Since President Museveni took over power in 1986, Uganda has since then been an accepted safe travel destination for travelers from all over the world. Uganda’s reputation as a safe travel destination is sometimes dented by a few minor political tensions and terrorism threats that are at most times very well handled by government security agencies.

The Uganda police force is very consistent in driving public safety measures that have continuously seen a reduction in crime rates and made Uganda a safe destination for travel.


Like any other African country, Uganda has been going through various political transformations since she gained her independence. Her political problems started with Obote’s overthrow of President Muteesa from office and the abolition of the 1962 constitution and monarchy rule. Obote’s regime was characterized by very poor governance and there was the coming to power of Amin Dada.

Iddi Amin Dada’s regime was and up to date characterized as the most brutal regime Uganda has ever witnessed ending in the late 1970s. The election violence of the 1980s saw an outbreak of a 5-year war in which many Ugandans lost lives but later saw the coming to power of President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in 1986 with a promise of a safer Uganda.

In the first 15 – 20 years of the NRM regime under President Museveni, the country witnessed one of the biggest wars in Northern Uganda led by the load resistance army leader and currently one of the most wanted rebels in Uganda known as Joseph Konny that made Northern Uganda a no go zone for all people.

The lord resistance army has now been defeated, chased away from the Northern region of Uganda, and now that part is open and safe for traveling. Of recent Uganda has enjoyed a decent level of peace and political stability that the international community applauds.


Like in any other country involved in peacekeeping across the world, acts of terrorism have been carried out in Uganda and none of them has been necessary targeting foreigners or tourists.

Kampala like most cities across the world is vulnerable to tourist attacks like war demonstrations in 2010 where 74 people were killed with a boom blast at the grand finals of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Even though the bombing, the major threat is not terror but malaria and road accidents which are also not so common in the country because of the road restrictions.


Like the case with any country growing democratically, Uganda continuously goes through numerous political tensions that are only very permanent during the election season which happens once every five years. Unrest in the form of protest is usually very peaceful and occurs in the capital city of Kampala and a few major towns and cities across the country.

Kattland Safaris always stays up to date with the prevailing political situation in the country and always keeps tourists in the know of when to visit or not in case the country is in any form of unrest.


Uganda is globally recognized and regarded as one of the most crime crime-free countries in Africa. Kampala, the capital city of Uganda is relatively free of con tricks as the case is with other East African towns like Nairobi. Walking through cities and towns around Uganda is repeatedly safe however it’s recommended at all times to move with someone else and preferably one that very well knows the destination.

Since the turbulent days of Idi Amin Dada and his ruthless regime came to an end, Uganda is now safe for both travel and business.


Be vigilant while in Uganda.

Be very careful while taking walks around large towns and cities across Uganda. Most casual thieves operate in very busy markets and bus stations. You are advised to keep a close look at your possessions in such places.

Keep all your valuables and the bulk of your money in a money belt that can be hidden beneath your clothing.

Do not drink and drive.

If you are planning to drive yourself while in Uganda, it’s purely against the laws to drink and drive as the act is subjected to a heavy fine or even in jail.

Respect local cultures

All regions of the country are occupied by different societies with different sets of cultural norms and briefs that you are regarded to follow and respect.

Homosexuality is illegal by the laws of Uganda. It’s considered a taboo and unacceptable by many societies across the country. Travelers should avoid a public display of affection in respect of local communities with largely conservative people.

Be careful with what you photograph in Uganda.

You are not permitted to take pictures of some places in the country and these include photographing security agencies like the military, government buildings, and some parts of the airport. If you are unsure of what and when to take a photograph, you can always ask your tour guide to seek permission.


The possession use and trafficking of drugs is illegal by Ugandan laws. Caught in the act is subjected to very heavy penalties if not huge prison sentences.


Whether crossing from Kigali or as far as Sydney and Australia do research about a destination so you are dents of that particular destination to avoid surprises.


If you do not want yourself, to be locked in a Uganda jail in the course of your safari through the country, we so therefore highly recommend that you abide by all the laws of Uganda and follow them effectively. Sometimes you might find yourself in a mix of law enforcers who may even request a bribe to get off a traffic fine. In case you are caught and arrested over any offence however small or big by Ugandan laws you are innocent until proven guilty and you have the right to a lawyer.


It’s always advisable to plan your safari through Uganda with a reputable and recognized local operator. Tour operators like Katland Safaris understand the destinations better. They put all logistics from transport to hotel bookings and tourist activities all in one place for your safari. They are very knowledgeable about the dos and don’ts of the destinations and will always guide you well on what to do right away from planning the trip until you are back safe and sent back home.


As Rwanda increases the price of their gorilla licenses from USD750.00 to USD1500.00, the Uganda Wildlife Authority halts the sale of low season gorilla permits. After Volcanoes National Park raised the price of gorilla permits, making Rwanda the most costly gorilla trekking destination, Uganda stood hard and maintained its high season gorilla permit tariff of USD800.00 for all months, refusing to follow suit.

While Uganda is still a budget-friendly location for gorilla trekking, the Uganda Wildlife Authority has decided to end low season gorilla permits. This is to prevent the country from being seen as a cheap option, especially as the experience in Uganda and Rwanda is almost identical.


The Ugandan tourism industry has embraced the plan to keep the price of gorilla permits at USD800.00 year-round, even though the Uganda Wildlife Authority has decided to end sales of permits during the low season. This will ensure that Uganda remains a competitive destination for gorilla trekking, regardless of the season.

Permits for low-season gorilla and chimpanzee viewing began in 2014 but were temporarily halted in 2024. From April through May and November, a gorilla permit costing USD700.00 per person increased to USD 800.00 per person. Motivating individuals to travel during off-peak months was the driving force behind this.

A large number of individuals rushed to Uganda in search of these cheap gorilla permits, proving that the campaign’s goals were achieved. Many tourists would definitely pass up the opportunity to go gorilla trekking if the Uganda Wildlife Authority does away with the low season permits, as they have been much more affordable.

The suspension of the low season gorilla permits will begin in 2024, thus anybody interested in booking a gorilla excursion should do so no later than November 2024. During the off-season, Katland Safaris arranges gorilla safaris to Mgahinga and Bwindi Impenetrable National Parks. If you are interested in planning a gorilla safari for November, please get in touch with us by phone or email and we would be happy to provide you an estimate and reliable information.

Latest gorilla trekking news

Uganda Visa from USD100 to USD50 – Uganda safari bookings.

For all those arriving Uganda for tourism or visiting friends and family, the government of Uganda has thought about lowering visa costs from USD100 to USD50.00. In the last financial year, Uganda had raised visa costs from USD50 to USD100 as it battled to collect the necessary USD and other foreign currency.

Travelers who argued that raising visa costs from USD50.00 to USD100 would destroy the expanding tourism industry as it would seem very costly in the perspective of a visitor vehemently objected and criticized this action. Although Rwanda, Tanzania, and Kenya, neighbors of Uganda, did not raise visa costs, their tourist competitive advantage over Uganda does.

Reasons Uganda’s USD100 to USD50 visa will succeed

Following many consultation discussions between government and the business community, government is currently thinking about lowering the price back to USD50.00.

Uganda Visa from USD100 to USD50 - Uganda safari bookings.

The rising visa costs were making Uganda an expensive tourism destination, according to the commercial sector and tourism stakeholders, which meant that visitors were beginning to start looking to our neighbors in order to save money. We expect that lowering Uganda’s visa value from USD 100 to USD 50 will pay off.

Tanzania has consented to join the East African tourist visa in the meanwhile, therefore allowing a visitor to spend three months visiting five nations of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, and Tanzania under one visa. With USD 100, an East Africa tourist visa lets you visit any one of the east African nations. Once may get it from any point of entrance for a specific member nation.

East Africa’s marketing and selling as a single tourism destination is meant to boost and draw visitors to visit more than one nation when they decide East Africa. Making sure you get the finest offers will help you to finance your safari. Katland Safaris is committed to this. To see the well-known and threatened mountain gorillas and other sights in Uganda and Rwanda, we arrange excursions to both countries. Therefore, lowering Uganda’s visa value from USD 100 to USD 50 will benefit the visitors as well as the business.

No Zika Virus in Uganda – Uganda safaris and tours.

According to an official statement released by the Ministry of Health, Uganda Tourism Board would like to reassure all possible visitors to Uganda that there is no Zika virus infection or danger in Uganda. As of right now, Uganda does not have any single record of Zika.

Uganda safe; no Zika, claims Ministry of Health

“The Ministry of Health wants to let the people know that there is no danger of the Zika virus now wreaking havoc on South American towns. The Permanent Secretary of Uganda’s Ministry of Health, Dr. Asuman Lukwago, claims surveillance data all throughout the nation show no danger of the virus.

No Zika Virus in Uganda - Uganda safaris and tours.

Furthermore lacking documentation of the virus in Uganda, Dr. Lukwago notes

The Uganda Tourism Board reminds all people and guests that Uganda does not have a history of the Zika virus infection, contrary to claims made in foreign media. Any kind of visitor will find Uganda to be safe.

The Ministry of Health claims that the virus now spreading across 21 nations in the Americas since May 2015 is a distinct species from the one originally known from Uganda. Over 70 years ago, Ugandan scientists and specialists initially separately identified the Zika virus together with colleagues from the US and UK. This was under a yellow fever scientific study project.

The US Center for Disease Control now tracks nations and territories affected by the Zika virus ( The Ministry of Health underlines that there are no local reported cases and the Uganda Virus Research Institute has testing capabilities for the Zika virus. UTB is pleased to provide more information about visiting Uganda or respond to your particular queries or needs.

For all of its prestigious customers, Katland safaris guarantees them that there is no zika in Uganda and that all of our group and individual trips go on as usual. Book with us a trip to see Uganda and Rwanda respectively, the gem of Africa or nation of a thousand hills.

Barcelona Former stars will trek gorillas in Uganda – Uganda Safaris and Tours.

24 baby gorillas named in Rwanda – Kwita Izina – Rwanda gorilla tours.

On September 5, 2015 Rwanda hosted another historic occasion when all newly born mountain gorilla infants were named in a ceremony conducted on the northern side of the nation. Attended by so many environmentalists, celebrities, visitors, and most importantly the president of Rwanda, His Majesty Paul Kagame, was this years Kwita Izina event. It seeks to guarantee that newly born baby gorillas are identified and named in keeping with safeguarding mountain gorillas and their habitats.

24 baby gorillas named in Rwanda - Kwita Izina - Rwanda gorilla tours.

24 newborn gorillas identified as Rwandan.

There were twenty-four newborn gorillas named in Rwanda from several moms and groups. On January 16, 2015, Bukima female gorilla birthed a female gorilla baby belonging to the Isabukuru gorilla family. This indicates that thanks to good protection, mountain gorilla numbers are rising.

Among numerous partners like Rwanda Air, Bank of Kigali, Eco Bank, Akagera Aviation, Equity Bank, Kenya Airways, SN Brussels, Akagera National Park, Nyungwe Top view Hotel, Park view courts, this gorilla naming ceremony was expected.

For millennia, Rwandan society and custom have revolved around naming a freshly born child. The old naming century’s legacy was modeled on these species to get the national brand known as “Kwita Izina,” in line with the amazing efforts by the Government of Rwanda, through the Rwanda Development Board, and in cooperation with different conservation partners and local communities to actively protect the Mountai n Gorillas and their habitat. We would wish to congratulate Rwanda’s government for always leading the front in efforts at mountain gorilla protection.

MOU between UWA and AUTO – Uganda tour operator.

Under a memorandum of agreement with AUTO (Association of Uganda Tour Operators), Uganda Wildlife Authority would provide one gorilla permit to each thirty gorilla permits purchased by members of Association of Uganda Tour Operators.

One gorilla permit costs USD700.00, and this money will then assist tour operators under their umbrella organisation to promote Uganda as a gorilla trekking destination both locally and abroad.

This MOU between UWA and AUTO marks a great move wherein Tour Operators and Uganda Tourism Board will focus on their main responsibility of marketing and promoting Uganda both domestically and internationally while Uganda Wildlife Authority will concentrate on its principal mission of protecting wildlife for generations.

MOU between UWA and AUTO - Uganda tour operator.

MOU between for UWA and AUTO

This memorandum of understanding went into effect on September 1, 2015. Every three months, this commission of one gorilla permit per person will be issued to delegates of the Association of Uganda Tour Operators who will subsequently sell them to their members at a designated price.

Although MOU between UWA and AUTO seems encouraging, individual tour operators are still wondering how this one gorilla permit among thirty purchased with Uganda Wildlife Authority would be marketed.

One wonders whatever standards would be used to guarantee that every tour operator gains anything. AUTO will decide who should profit and who should not depending on some firms buying more than thirty gorilla permits each month and others not buying any at all.

This MOU between UWA and AUTO, however, is viewed as another encouraging step to mend the relationship between the two that had gone sour when Uganda Wildlife Authority sought to make gorilla permits available to everyone for viewing and booking online.

Uganda Tour Operators angrily objected to this and it was halted. Negotiations began when new management arrived at AUTO, and the results are advantages like these.

Kluivert, tourism ambassadors for Uganda – Uganda safaris and tours.

Today, President Yoweri Museveni promised US$180,000 in sponsorship to enable a promotional trip and soccer game by FC Barcelona Legends visiting Uganda in December this year. Confirming his support for their visit in favor of Ugandan tourism and investment, as well as youth development initiatives, President Museveni met team member Rayco Garcia Caberera and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Patrick Kluivert. “I will help you as your activities will attract more investors and visitors. You are presenting Uganda to the world what it has to offer. President Museveni also expressed delight at your offering of young programs that would catapult Ugandans into the global scene.

Kluivert, Uganda’s tourist agents

Having seen a lot of promise in Uganda, Kluivert and Garcia said they would set up a young soccer development academy there. “After three weeks here, I have personally witnessed that Uganda has a lot of soccer ability. Many young individuals have huge potential to take front stage on the globe. We want to provide them this chance, Garcia said.

Uganda safaris and tours

Flying in on Sunday night, Kluivert said he was astounded by Uganda’s natural beauty and travel appeal. “Based on the little time I have been here, Uganda is definitely among the most gorgeous nations on Earth. You have a lot to offer, thus we will provide you excellent worldwide coverage for both investment and tourists.

The team is here on a mission including UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador activities, the discovery of soccer talent in Uganda for export, and the identification of chances to support tourism and investment in Uganda using the Barcelona FC brand.

With an annual turnover of €484.6 million, Barcelona FC is the fourth wealthiest football team in the world and the second most expensive sports franchise overall, valued US$3.2 billion. With millions of supporters worldwide, this club is quite popular. Along with Tourism Minister Maria Mutagamba, Uganda Tourism Board Member Amos Wekesa, Uganda Tourism Board Chief Executive Stephen Asiimwe, and Uganda Wildlife Authority Executive Director Dr. Andrew Seguya, the pair was joined.

2016-17 off/low season discounted permits increased to $450.00 – Gorilla trekking permits.

Low of off season reduced gorilla licenses will now be raised from $700 to $800 for international non residents and $600 to $700 for foreign residents with a working permit in Uganda, officially declared Uganda Wildlife Authority. Two years from 2016 and 2017 will see this promotion run. We therefore ask all of our foreign agents to let your customers know properly.

Discounted off-peak season licenses raised to $800.00 in 2016-17

Discounted permits valued at $8500.00 will still apply to the months of April, May, and November 2016-17 only. The director of tourist business and development made this announcement while presenting Uganda tourist Forum at Hotel Africana.

2016-17 offlow season discounted permits increased to $450.00 - Gorilla trekking permits.

He informed them that Uganda Wildlife Authority would also be providing Kibale with promo and reduced chimpanzee licenses for $200. With this, the Uganda Wildlife anticipates greater visitor flows to national Parks like Kibale Forest National Park, Mgahinga National Park and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

Confirming to those present that Uganda Wildlife Authority would keep the same tariffs to visit all national parks as it has been in 2015, the director of tourist business and development assured them With this established at $15 per vehicle admission, one may choose to pay either 300,000 shillings or $15 Dollars to access any national park.

Previously, it was not feasible to pay for vehicle entry in dollars. The Director of Tourism Business and Development urged tour operators and hoteliers to also offer low or off season rates to make Uganda’s tourism product affordable most especially during low seasons of April, May and November. Discounted permits increased to $800.00.

The same criteria and limitations that have guided discounted gorilla permits since 2013 will still apply. Discounted gorilla permits are not refundable and remain purchased and paid for in whole. Contact Katland Safaris for additional savings and interesting packages for people eager in trekking gorillas throughout April, May, November 2016 and 2017.