Since President Museveni took over power in 1986, Uganda has since then been an accepted safe travel destination for travelers from all over the world. Uganda’s reputation as a safe travel destination is sometimes dented by a few minor political tensions and terrorism threats that are at most times very well handled by government security agencies.

The Uganda police force is very consistent in driving public safety measures that have continuously seen a reduction in crime rates and made Uganda a safe destination for travel.


Like any other African country, Uganda has been going through various political transformations since she gained her independence. Her political problems started with Obote’s overthrow of President Muteesa from office and the abolition of the 1962 constitution and monarchy rule. Obote’s regime was characterized by very poor governance and there was the coming to power of Amin Dada.

Iddi Amin Dada’s regime was and up to date characterized as the most brutal regime Uganda has ever witnessed ending in the late 1970s. The election violence of the 1980s saw an outbreak of a 5-year war in which many Ugandans lost lives but later saw the coming to power of President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in 1986 with a promise of a safer Uganda.

In the first 15 – 20 years of the NRM regime under President Museveni, the country witnessed one of the biggest wars in Northern Uganda led by the load resistance army leader and currently one of the most wanted rebels in Uganda known as Joseph Konny that made Northern Uganda a no go zone for all people.

The lord resistance army has now been defeated, chased away from the Northern region of Uganda, and now that part is open and safe for traveling. Of recent Uganda has enjoyed a decent level of peace and political stability that the international community applauds.


Like in any other country involved in peacekeeping across the world, acts of terrorism have been carried out in Uganda and none of them has been necessary targeting foreigners or tourists.

Kampala like most cities across the world is vulnerable to tourist attacks like war demonstrations in 2010 where 74 people were killed with a boom blast at the grand finals of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Even though the bombing, the major threat is not terror but malaria and road accidents which are also not so common in the country because of the road restrictions.


Like the case with any country growing democratically, Uganda continuously goes through numerous political tensions that are only very permanent during the election season which happens once every five years. Unrest in the form of protest is usually very peaceful and occurs in the capital city of Kampala and a few major towns and cities across the country.

Kattland Safaris always stays up to date with the prevailing political situation in the country and always keeps tourists in the know of when to visit or not in case the country is in any form of unrest.


Uganda is globally recognized and regarded as one of the most crime crime-free countries in Africa. Kampala, the capital city of Uganda is relatively free of con tricks as the case is with other East African towns like Nairobi. Walking through cities and towns around Uganda is repeatedly safe however it’s recommended at all times to move with someone else and preferably one that very well knows the destination.

Since the turbulent days of Idi Amin Dada and his ruthless regime came to an end, Uganda is now safe for both travel and business.


Be vigilant while in Uganda.

Be very careful while taking walks around large towns and cities across Uganda. Most casual thieves operate in very busy markets and bus stations. You are advised to keep a close look at your possessions in such places.

Keep all your valuables and the bulk of your money in a money belt that can be hidden beneath your clothing.

Do not drink and drive.

If you are planning to drive yourself while in Uganda, it’s purely against the laws to drink and drive as the act is subjected to a heavy fine or even in jail.

Respect local cultures

All regions of the country are occupied by different societies with different sets of cultural norms and briefs that you are regarded to follow and respect.

Homosexuality is illegal by the laws of Uganda. It’s considered a taboo and unacceptable by many societies across the country. Travelers should avoid a public display of affection in respect of local communities with largely conservative people.

Be careful with what you photograph in Uganda.

You are not permitted to take pictures of some places in the country and these include photographing security agencies like the military, government buildings, and some parts of the airport. If you are unsure of what and when to take a photograph, you can always ask your tour guide to seek permission.


The possession use and trafficking of drugs is illegal by Ugandan laws. Caught in the act is subjected to very heavy penalties if not huge prison sentences.


Whether crossing from Kigali or as far as Sydney and Australia do research about a destination so you are dents of that particular destination to avoid surprises.


If you do not want yourself, to be locked in a Uganda jail in the course of your safari through the country, we so therefore highly recommend that you abide by all the laws of Uganda and follow them effectively. Sometimes you might find yourself in a mix of law enforcers who may even request a bribe to get off a traffic fine. In case you are caught and arrested over any offence however small or big by Ugandan laws you are innocent until proven guilty and you have the right to a lawyer.


It’s always advisable to plan your safari through Uganda with a reputable and recognized local operator. Tour operators like Katland Safaris understand the destinations better. They put all logistics from transport to hotel bookings and tourist activities all in one place for your safari. They are very knowledgeable about the dos and don’ts of the destinations and will always guide you well on what to do right away from planning the trip until you are back safe and sent back home.

Boat safaris Uganda – Uganda safaris and tours.

A boat cruise safari is best done near the jewel of Africa. Two well-liked boat excursions in Uganda are Boat safaris Uganda and a Boat cruise to the foot of the fall at Murchison Falls National Park via Kazinga Channel in Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Boat Cruise on the Kazinga Channel

By far the best thing Queen Elizabeth National Park offers for activities is this. With the longest and broadest natural canal in Africa, Kazinga channel boasts the biggest hippos concentration worldwide. You have no idea how many hippos you may see on your Kanzinga canal boat excursion. Usually running two hours, several businesses provide scheduled and private boat cruises on Kazinga waterway.

Among other things, there are buffalos, elephants, and over 400 aquatic bird species here. For visitors to Queen Elizabeth National Park, this is an essential activity.

Boat safaris Uganda - Uganda safaris and tours.

Most of these Boat safaris Uganda operate on a timetable with Mweya boats operating two hour scheduled boats beginning at 11am, 2pm and then 4pm. At 10am, 3pm and 11pm Uganda Wildlife Authority follows the same. While in Queen Elizabeth National Park, you just cannot miss a Kazinga Boat safari.

Boat safaris in Muchison Falls National Park

Not only is Murchison Falls National Park well-known for its northern wildlife drives, but Boat safaris Uganda to the delta or foot of Victoria falls are also fulfilling. Boats operated by Paraa Lodge, Baker’s Lodge, Uganda Wildlife Authority to the foot of the falls where abundant aquatic life may be seen.

Among them might be hippos, crocodiles, buffaloes, elephants, and so many more birds. The boat reaches its peak at the foot of the falls, where river Nile waters compress through a small valley down stream. One must combine this boat tour with a trek to the top of the falls if one wants to really grasp this experience.

Should you miss this boat safari at the foot of the falls, you should make up for it with the delta cruise, which will take you down stream to see how the Nile slows down as it meets Lake Albert. One finds plenty of hippos, crocodiles, elephants, and buffaloes here. If fortune favors you, you may as well find the uncommon shoebill stock in the marshy sections.

Boat Safaris Around Lake Victoria

The largest freshwater lake in Africa, Lake Victoria boasts the Nile, the longest river on Earth from its source. As such, there are several businesses offering boat safaris to various locations such Ssesse Island, sun set cruises on lake Victoria, boats to Ngamba Island, wine and cheese boat safaris, speed boat tours to observe shoebills in Mabamba and many more. Please get in touch with us if you want any details about Boat safaris Uganda.

Bakers lodge in Murchison falls national park – Murchison falls safari – Whitewater rafting.

Friday, June 19, 2015 we headed to Murchison Falls National Park for a sales familiarization trip with the following in mind. To visit Murchison Falls National Park in order to acquaint ourselves with lodging establishments (mostly Bakers Lodges) and activities that visitors could engage in while at Murchison.

Specific goals were to visit other Accommodation properties in Murchison Falls National Park, To visit Bakers to experience the degree of service and hospitality at the lodge, To participate in tourist activities in Murchison Falls National Park so that we have a fill and a better knowledge while packaging and selling them to individual clients and agents and,

Our search for Baker’s Lodge aimed to pinpoint the precise southern bank position with respect to other lodges and the main offices/ferry terminal. Indeed it was found that in that sequence Red Chilli, Baker’s Lodge is the nearest followed by Kabalega Wilderness Lodge, Murchison River Lodge and Nile Safari Lodge. One advantage and a wonderful selling point for the lodges on the southern bank is that one can drive from the resort to the park headquarters in less than 15 minutes.

Like all the other lodges under Uganda Exclusive Camps and Lodges, we found that Baker’s Lodge is certainly rather distinctive from all other lodges nearby and cannot be matched with any. Its original design and created utilizing locally sourced materials combining with nature and consistent with conservation ideas highlight a real African experience in the woods.

If someone requires a triple, the rooms are big enough, well-designed, and roomy to even house three beds. Another great selling feature is their wonderful and clear perspective of the river, even though one is within another. Trails to every room are made so that they pass behind rather than the front, therefore causing disturbance and noise if they were in front of the cottages.

Every meal we ate at the resort really pleased me. Excellent cuisine, great taste, daily menus vary. No dinner was delayed at any one moment, hence the chef and all those in attendance are professionals. The only thing I noticed is that sometimes they offered too much food validating comments I often hear from customers who own Ugandan Lodges.

I have to urge management and staff members at Baker’s who saw us like guests rather than fellow employees. They went all the way to treat us the way any reputable Lodge would have you anticipate. They greeted us with a drink of juice the day we arrived, guided us through briefing, and continuously reminded us of important concerns such menus, if we needed a wake-up call, etc.

Operations managers made sure Godfrey, Chris, and Liz were always helpful and checked on how the day went. Therefore, to me staff and management is exactly like that of Buhoma and Ishasha Wilderness camp; this was very nice as guests who reserve special camps and lodges want the same degree of standards and professionalism from staff.

Safari Activities at Murchison Falls National Park.

I was out observing and experiencing popular tourist activities at Murchison Falls National park as a safari consultant.

Our evening delta cruise began with our guide pointing out that we were quite lucky folks. Our captain Kenneth guided us about Murchison Falls National Park’s history, discussed safety issues and what we should anticipate to see on our voyage.

Bakers lodge in Murchison falls national park - Murchison falls safari - Whitewater rafting.

We established all the resorts on this voyage and found out their distances from the ferry station. We were fortunate to see elephants flying in water moving from one side to the other. We came onto two shoebill stocks among the abundance of hippos and crocodiles.

Having Jean Paul as our guide made us lucky. He drove us early for a game trip that was very successful by any measure. Most of the species seen at Murchison Falls National Park—including a pride of lions and hyenas very near to the trail—were controlled. Jean Paul was very adept at identifying new creatures and suitable paths of travel.

Although “Top of the Falls visit and hike” is one of the most underappreciated activities among consultants, it is very crucial if you want to get a whole accurate view of the falls.

Driven to the top of the falls, we subsequently slopped downhill and were fetched by a boat back to Wild Frontiers Boat headquarters. Given that the climb is not very difficult, it was reasonable and should be advised to visitors heading to Murchison Falls National Park.

If and when customers have time and can afford, as top of the falls highlights a real image of the falls rather than providing a boat excursion to the base, as tour advisors we should be able to promote more delta visits in our packages.

More interested in determining the degree of service, location, travel times from the ferry area and of course comparing them with the Standards at Baker’s Lodge, we set out some time to see other Lodges in Murchison Falls National Park.

Lodges visited include Murchison River Lodge, Nile Safari Lodge, Pakuba Safari lodge, Fort Murchison Lodge, Kabalega Wilderness Camp. These lodges were not expecting us, however.

Why Igongo is a better stopover to the gorillas.

From Kampala, the trip to the mountain gorillas of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga National Park takes nine to ten hours. In between visitors have to make a stopover for relaxation, stretching, and smokers can take use of this opportunity to smoke a stick of cigarettes. Usually leaving Kampala for gorillas around seven am, tourists go to Mbarara town, which offers few choices we should discuss in this post.

Igongo Cultural Center

Agip Motel has been the top spot in Between Kampala and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park where visitors stop for lunch breaks and to ease themselves till recently. Most tourist vehicles are now split on whether to stop at Agip Motel or Igongo Cultural Centre with the opening of the latter.

One benefit of the Igongo Cultural Center stop for the gorillas is the abundance of sights to observe. If not in Uganda, Igoongo has a museum that is by far the finest in south western Uganda. This museum is very orderly, and the interpreters at Igongo are quite knowledgeable about the anthropological items there. Walking around this museum during lunch break is rather fulfilling.

Visitors may buy curios from various artisan stores run by Igongo. This makes lunch, shopping, and leisure one stop shop for everybody. These stores show shirts, purses, and so many curios for purchase.

Why Igongo is a better stopover to the gorillas.

For the Banyankole, Igongo Cultural Center usually holds traditional celebrations every weekend. There are gardens there where rituals are conducted and tents are set. If one wants to see wedding or give away ceremonies, Igongo offers numerous options for you as long as you have adequate time.

The government is building a bypass branching off from igongo culture to link the Mbarara-Kasese major route with the Mbarara-Kabale high way. Therefore, tourists who want to escape traffic congestion in mbarara town would choose to have lunch in Igongo cultural center and then utilize the bypass to go either Kabale or Kasese. This so puts Igongo cultural center a head of Agip Motel and other dining places when it comes to visitors heading to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and other National Parks situated in the west and southwest Uganda.

Aglip Motel

For visitors driving from Bwindi Impenetrable National Park or Queen Elizabeth National Park, this is the customary halt for coffee or lunch. Their quality of service right now is and has been really excellent. Agip is in town, hence it is strategically adjacent to Shell petro station where cars can refuel.

It is also easily accessible for visitors to visit banks and shopping centers at the entrance of Mbarara town. The only benefit is that the bypass under development could lose some customers as well as competition from what to view during your lunch break.

On way to mountain gorillas, one stops at numerous points. The first one is at Mpambire Royal drum manufacturers to see how locally built drums from animal skins and tress. If time permits, you will be able to view this on your Kampala-Masaka route; many visitors have never seen anything like this.

who is eligible to trek gorillas in Uganda and Rwanda?

gorilla tracking activities take occur in Uganda, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo and Katland Safaris gives unmatched experience to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Mgahinga National Park as well as volcanoes National Park Rwanda. There are things you should know before you and your family begin organizing a gorilla trip to help you avoid frustration.

Age restriction for gorilla treking in Rwanda and Uganda

The age restrictions or prerequisites for one to hike gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park or Volcanoes National Park are the same for Uganda and Rwanda. The administration of Uganda Wildlife guarantees that all those trekking gorillas in Uganda ought to be fifteen years or above.

They are rather rigorous on this and to show this; every individual is expected to provide their passport data at the time of acquiring a gorilla permit and also before one embarks on the journey.

who is eligible to trek gorillas in Uganda and Rwanda?Though this is the response, some parents who want to accompany their children often ask this question. Conservation is the reason for this as it has been scientifically shown that youngsters will never show the emotion when they come across these mountain gorillas. They might yell or flee, which would lead to a scenario wherein mountain gorillas could assault those who had come to hike them.

The second reason is that while mountain gorillas are already in threat, their alleged 94% human nature means that humans share identical DNA and may readily transmit illnesses to them. Children are thought to be able to readily transmit these illnesses to mountain gorillas, therefore helping to lower the already small population of these animals.

You need a Uganda or Rwanda Gorilla permit.

One must have a gorilla permit granted by Rwanda Development Board (RDB) either for Volcanoes National Park or Uganda Wildlife Authority in case of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park or Mgahinga National Park to track mountain gorillas in Rwanda or Uganda. Discounts are regularly offered; a gorilla permit in Rwanda costs USD150.00 per person per trip; in Uganda, it costs USD800.00 both in high and low seasons.

Discount gorilla permits starting in 2013 have been USD450 in April, May, and November. When you arrange all services—including lodging, transportation with us— Katland Safaris helps you get a gorilla permit at no additional cost.

As a corporate policy, we always advise all of our prospective customers to always book their gorilla permits at least three months in advance as most notably during busy seasons, gorilla permits tend to sell out rapidly. This is so because trekking mountain gorillas in any nation is impossible without a gorilla permit.

Has to be in excellent health.

Humans may readily spread illnesses to mountain gorillas, hence all people who want to follow gorillas in Uganda and Rwanda should first see their medical physicians before they even go down to Bwindi, impenetrable national park or Volcanoes National park. You won’t be able to hike gorillas should it be found that you are not in excellent health.

Should it so transpires that you contracted the illness one day before, you have to prove this by providing a medical doctor’s report; in this case, you could be entitled to a refund from Uganda Wildlife Authority, who oversee all national parks in Uganda and handle gorilla permit sales.

Please get in touch with our team to get more information on who is illegible to hike mountain gorillas; they will be ready to guide you appropriately. A lifelong journey, gorilla tracking has to be planned in line with those who know the dos and do nots.

Uganda Visa Fees increase – Getting a Uganda tourist visa.

To try to enhance their income correction, the Ugandan government is considering raising the visa charge from USD 50 to USD 100. Even while politicians regard this as a certain method to boost tax income and foreign currency influx, it will really have a number of unintended consequences, as listed below.

Because of this, tourists will have to shell out more money to visit Uganda than other east African nations. Tourists looking to save money on their journey could consider visiting Rwanda instead of Uganda, since the two countries offer almost identical unique tourist attractions but Rwanda’s visa costs USD60. If Uganda chooses to raise its visa costs from USD 50 to USD 100, it would also cause the East African visa to rise in price. This was part of a larger proposal to create a single, $100 visa that travelers could use to visit several East African nations.

Those with a vested interest in Uganda’s tourism industry are expressing grave worry and arguing that the country should do more to attract visitors by doing away with or significantly reducing visa costs. Since visitors spend much more money in Uganda than the government receives in visa fees, this would lead to a rise in foreign currency inflow, although a more indirect one.

Uganda Visa Fees increase - Getting a Uganda tourist visa.

With the implementation of VAT and other obstacles like Ebola and terror warnings, the tourist industry has already taken a hit. Now, if the government decides to raise visa costs, it will raise questions about their vision for tourism growth.

The country should consider promoting tourism as a means to earn more foreign currency instead of considering increases in visa fees. It is home to over 400 mountain gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga National Park, as well as the world’s longest river, Mount Rwenzori, and numerous other tourist attractions like chimpanzees and golden monkeys.

Katland Safaris will keep you informed of any changes so that you may continue to enjoy our excursions at a reasonable price. Please get in touch with us if you need any help getting ready, whether it’s recommendations for tours or guidance. Professional tour operators like us provide trips to Rwanda and Uganda, and our advisers will get back to you quickly so you can make the best choice.

Uganda Tour Operators downsize.

Tourists flock to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda to see the mountain gorillas, making the country a promising African destination. Once upon a time, in the early 1970s, Uganda was governed brutally by Idi Amin, who drove away many Indian investors and caused a great deal of suffering for this African gem.

Uganda had an unfathomable economic downturn as a result of several company failures. People from other countries were treated as spies and tourists were treated like rodents. It is only now, after centuries of poaching and slaughter, that white rhino populations are beginning to recover.

Nearly thirty years have passed since Uganda’s National Resistance Army liberation struggle in 1986, during which the country has been mostly free of violent conflict. Hotels, tour operators, and other businesses rely on tourists, and the government has done a good job of building infrastructure like roads and services like security, so investors are feeling confident in the industry.

Given the above, it’s no surprise that the government views tourism as a key source of revenue. To back this up, it established a separate ministry and established two agencies: the Uganda Tourism Board, which is responsible for marketing the country, and the Uganda Wildlife Authority, which is responsible for conserving wildlife for future generations.

Uganda Tour operators downsize.

Little has been done in the realm of marketing and promoting Uganda due to insufficient financing. Finally, the Uganda Tourism Board’s new leadership has increased the country’s marketing budget, allowing Uganda tour operators and other stakeholders to participate in international exhibitions such as ITB Berlin, World Travel Market in London, and Indaba in South Africa. All signs point to progress in the right manner, since Uganda has won the best ward and is the top exhibitor in Africa this year.

Uganda Tour operators downsize.

Despite the abundance of cultural and natural attractions in Uganda, the tourism industry is struggling, which has a knock-on effect for hotels, lodges, and tour operators. In order to stay afloat, some large enterprises have had to shut down, while others have had to drastically reduce their workforce. One may attempt to explain this by bringing up a number of variables.

Due to its role in Somalia, where terrorist groups like al-Shabab were based to attack other countries, Uganda has been the target of several terror warnings. Whenever these warnings are sent out, all prospective visitors, particularly those from the United States, Britain, and Australia, usually decide not to go to Uganda. Kenya has been hit hard by terrorist strikes, making the situation much worse. Given all the terror threats and warnings, the one good trend is that Uganda has managed to stay calm and has not registered any attach since 2010.

The tourist business in Uganda has also been greatly impacted by the Ebola epidemic in western West Africa. Since many would-be visitors know very little about Africa’s geography, they often assume that the continent is homogeneous and that illnesses like these may move quickly from one nation to another. As a result, despite Uganda’s status as a global leader in the control and battle against illnesses like Ebola, commerce is not booming. It has not been helped by the dollar’s recent gain either.

Because of this, the cost of a vacation in Uganda is more than in nations with more stable economies.

In order to help you plan a vacation to Rwanda and Uganda based on the best information available, we at Katland Safaris are dedicated to our valued customers and are accessible at all times to answer your questions and address your concerns.

Budget lodges and camps in Queen Elizabeth NP – Wildlife and safari drives – Boat cruise.

Among Uganda’s three national parks, the western-most Queen Elizabeth National Park is among the most popular destinations for tourists. In addition to the aforementioned parks, visitors often visit Bwindi Impenetrable National Park to see gorillas and birds, Kibale National Park to walk habituated chimpanzees, and Murchison Falls National Park to embark on game drives and Nile boat excursions.

Finding a place to stay is only one of several obstacles that prevent local and foreign travelers from enjoying Queen Elizabeth National Park. Cottages that are inexpensive and reasonable. Several inexpensive lodges have sprung up in and around Queen Elizabeth National Park to accommodate the increasing number of tourists. Guests can stay at these establishments and save money that they can then use toward other park activities, like boat cruises, game drives, and park admission.

The Ecology Institute

Among the park’s more established budget hotels, this one dates back to the early days of Queen Elizabeth National Park. For those seeking affordable choices in Queen Elizabeth National Park, the Institute of Ecology is situated on Mweya Peninsular, near Mweya Safari Lodge. They have both en suite and non-self-contained accommodations.

Budget lodges and camps in Queen Elizabeth NP - Wildlife and safari drives - Boat cruise.

Thanks to the camp’s convenient location, guests may go to the ecological museum, take a boat ride on Kazinga Channel, and see creatures that frequent the peninsula. Since Mweya Safari Lodge is within walking distance, you may easily go there for meals and remain at this camp if you like. Anyone planning to stay at this lodge should be aware that the service and quality have been declining recently.

Quarters at UWA

Prior to moving their headquarters to Katunguru, the Uganda Wildlife Authority staff had been using these rooms. After undergoing renovations, they now provide as an affordable lodging alternative on the peninsula. While this facility does not offer meals, there is a canteen in the area that serves a variety of dishes. The canteen was formerly owned by the Uganda Wildlife Authority but is now privately managed. Or you might take a stroll to the Mweya Safari resort for some lunch.

Inn at Kazinga Channel

On the other side of Kazinga canal, outside Queen Elizabeth National Park, you may find this. It was founded by the manager of the Institute of Ecology to provide budget-friendly options for travelers. The facility includes both dormitories and en suite rooms.

Simba safari lodge

Another affordable alternative for travelers planning to visit Queen Elizabeth National Park is Simba Safari Camp, which is owned and operated by Uganda Lodges. This camp offers economically priced services to everyone with restricted budgets; it is located outside the park off the Queen-Kasese route.

The Bunyaruguru region and Kasese town are teeming with budget and inexpensive housing options, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to locate one that suits your budget. The Uganda Wildlife Authority also manages a number of campsites in the southern section of the park, in the areas of Mweya and Ishasha, for visitors who would rather bring their own tents.
Feel free to get in touch with Katland Safaris if you would want additional details about reasonably priced lodges in Queen Elizabeth National Park.

10 Things To Consider Before Booking A Uganda Safari In 2024-2025.

Ten things should influence your 2024–25 Uganda safari. Choose an activity for your 2024–2025 Uganda safari. Uganda’s most popular pastime is gorilla safaris. Mgahinga and Bwindi provide gorilla hiking and habitat.

Uganda is one of the remaining unspoiled safari destinations with distinctive scenery, making it a natural gem. Uganda offers birding, water sports, cultural, chimpanzee, and other safaris. Choose your Uganda safari destinations and activities.

Uganda safari resorts are popular June–September and December–January, so book early. Ugandan safari spots are usually near hotels.

Uganda safaris need considerable preparation. Drive or fly; Entebbe and Kajjansi airfields provide daily domestic flights to most upcountry Uganda safari destinations.

Before entering Uganda, get a visa. Getting one at immigration may take awhile, especially if your Uganda safari begins on arrival.

Uganda safari outfit should reflect your bravery. Ugandan gorilla and chimpanzee safaris need the correct gear. More activities must be permitted to fully enjoy the event.

Uganda, the gem of Africa, provides safaris without a shoreline. Katland Safaris, with over 10 years of experience, can help. Our safari experts can help you find the finest safari activities and answer your Uganda travel questions.

Preparing for Uganda Safari 2024-2025 Booking

Choose Uganda Safari Activities
Gorilla tours, hiking, and habituation are top Uganda safari activities. Tourists gorilla trekking spend an hour with habituated gorillas. Maximum eight tourists per mountain gorilla hiking family per day. Gorilla Habituation Adventure Safaris takes guests to a semi-habituated gorilla family for four hours under the supervision of researchers and habituators.

Gorilla permits should be obtained in advance, particularly in peak months like June, July, August, September, December, and January. Uganda issues 8 gorilla habituation licenses and 168 hiking permits everyday. The shortest Uganda gorilla safari is three days.

Uganda safaris include Game drives in Murchison Falls, Queen Elizabeth, Lake Mburo, and Kidepo Valley national parks. Ugandan chimpanzee safaris visit Kibale National Park, Kyambura Gorge, Kaniyo Pabidi Forest, Ngamba Chimpanzee Sanctuary, Kalinzu Forest, and others to see the closest human relatives.

Uganda contains around 1,000 bird species, making it a top African birding destination. Uganda has uncommon shoe bills of Handsome Francolin, Shelley and Dusky Crimsonwing, Rwenzori Turaco, and others. IUCN red-listed birds are in Uganda. Uganda’s birding hotspots include Mabamba marsh, Lutembe Beach, Mpanga forest reserve, Mabira woodland, Bwindi forest, Kibale forest, and others.

Uganda offers launch safaris in Murchison Falls National Park and Queen Elizabeth National Park, Nile sports fishing, white river rafting, Jinja Nile source visits, and other water activities.

Wonderful cultural experience in multicultural Uganda. Uganda accepts many ethnicities, yet its traditions are distinct. You might research Ugandan tribes and traditions. Kabaka, Omukama, Kyabazinga, and others rule Buganda, Bunyoro, Busoga, and others.

Choose Uganda safari lodging.

Most Uganda safari destinations include lodging. These are budget, mid-range, luxury hotels. Uganda gorilla safaris revolve around lodging.

Consider where you booked your Bwindi Impenetrable National Park gorilla safari lodging permit. The rough topography makes Bwindi Impenetrable National Park difficult to explore.

10 Things To Consider Before Booking A Uganda Safari In 2024-2025.

Spend overnight near game regions since wildlife excursions are greatest in the morning and afternoon. Later in the day, game drives may have fewer.

Transportation to Uganda safari spots
Road transport

Uganda safaris are largely road trips. Upcountry roads need a sturdy 4×4 and a competent driving guide for a nice safari. Several Uganda safari drivers must know the different ways.

The driver guide must be aware of filthy roads to prevent abandoning you on the wayside if the car fails to go. Ugandan roads are muddy and difficult. Get ready for an African massage.

Katland Safaris‘ well-maintained fleet of safari vehicles and skilled driver guides acquainted with African roads are checked before every trip.

Uganda safaris via air

Ugandan domestic flights to Bugungu or Pakuba airstrips and northern Uganda safari destinations such Murchison Falls National Park, Kasese, Mweya, Queen Elizabeth, Kibale, and Semuliki Valley operate from Entebbe Airport or Kajjansi Airstrip. Kisoro airstrikes to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Mgahinga, Lake Bunyonyi, etc.

Upcountry residents buy Ugandan flights, thus tickets are scarce.

Charter flights from Entebbe Airport or Kajjansi Airstrip must be arranged in advance for permission.

Uganda Visa Preapproval

If Uganda requires a visa, apply early. Immigration takes time, particularly if your Uganda safari begins on arrival. Visas Ugandan visas cost $50 each.

If your safari begins in Tanzania, Kenya, or Rwanda, get an East Africa visa. One visa covers two East African nations without reapplication.

Select Uganda safari gear.

Bring less luggage on your Uganda safari. Uganda safaris with minimum baggage leave room in the car and at the hotel. Uganda safaris need kit like:

Gorilla trekking requires safari boots, a long-sleeved shirt and pants, insect repellent, garden gloves, a safari heart, and other gear.

Bug repellent and brown or khaki attire are good for Ugandan wildlife drives. Avoid blue, white, and black, which attract safari caps, tsetse flies, etc.

Most Uganda safari places are too cool in the morning and afternoon; bring blankets. Also check the Uganda safari weather prediction.

Tell kids about Uganda safaris.

Tell your kids about Uganda and safaris. Uganda has tropical weather with intense sunlight and heavy rain during the rainy seasons. You should only go gorilla safaris at 15. Trekking into the woods for gorilla safaris might be difficult. Gorilla safaris take patience to find mountain gorillas. This jungle has animals, so let the kids experience the game safari with an open mind.

Uganda safaris let you meet Africa Safaris offers affordable, midrange, and luxury safaris. Choose the best Uganda safari plan within your budget. Uganda safaris vary.

Upon inquiry, our safari consultant provides safari details. Your desired activities, Uganda safari duration, number of people, safari package, and more are important to us. You may choose the gorilla trekking area, hotel, and other details for your Uganda visit. These records show time availability.

Consider this while visiting Uganda.

June, July, August, September, December, and January are Uganda’s peak tourism months, although demand limits trip options.

Limited chimpanzee, gorilla, and golden monkey safari permits must be purchased early. Last-minute peak season availability is unusual.

Safaris are less popular in Uganda’s low tourist seasons—March, April, May, and November. Plan a Uganda safari this season if money is tight.

Easter, Christmas, and New Year safaris are popular, so book early.

Your Uganda safari aims to

Why you booked the Uganda safari. Tell them you’re on a honeymoon trip to Uganda for special treatment. You may like to take a Uganda safari. Give notice to ensure safari logistics are arranged.

Uganda safari booking in advance
Uganda safaris should be scheduled three months in advance to prevent disappointment. prioritize Uganda safaris’ facilities.

Request Uganda travel information from our staff.

Why You Should Plan to Do Gorilla Habituation Experience In 2024-2025.

See why you should gorilla habituate in 2024–2025. Gorilla habituation has been a popular African safari since 2014. You have more time with mountain gorillas on the four-hour habituation experience. One-hour gorilla trekking safaris are typical.

The gorilla habituation experience involves four hours with a semi-habituated mountain gorilla family and a team of researchers.

You have more time with mountain gorillas in the gorilla habituation experience than in gorilla trekking.

Booking the gorilla habituation experience between 2024 and 2025 might mark 10 years since its start and create history. Be part of history and celebrate this feat with gorilla habituation.

Four guests max for the gorilla habituation experience, allowing enough space and a better view of the mountain gorillas.

During the gorilla habituation experience, you may encounter waterfalls, other primates, uncommon tree species only found in Virunga, a diversity of birds, and a vast network of rivers. Beyond seeing mountain gorillas, the gorilla habituation experience offers all you need for great wildlife photography and filming.

The gorilla habituation experience reveals forest operations and visitor secrets. Mountain gorillas behave like humans with 96% human DNA. Gorilla habituation lets you comprehend their lives and makes leaving difficult without feeling closer to them.

Where should 2024–2025 gorilla habitat experience take place?

Southern Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda is having gorilla habituation. Two gorilla families are available for this trip, with four public bookings each day.

Travelers may spend four hours with researchers and trackers in the jungle to experience gorilla habituation.

The cost of a Gorilla Habituation Experience Permit?

Gorilla habituation costs 750000shs for East Africans, $1500 for foreign non-residents, and $1000 for foreign residents.

Gorilla permits include government taxes, a certificate, four hours with mountain gorillas, local community aid, researcher expenditures, ranger guide fees, security, conservation, and more.

Porter job, accommodation, transportation, and food are exempt from gorilla habituation costs.

Worth the Gorilla Habituation Experience price?

A gorilla habituation permit is worth every dime. The globe respects mountain gorillas, a vulnerable primate. You’re lucky since gorilla families can only have four visitors. Gorilla habituation keeps gorillas semi-habituated, which helps conservation.

Purchase of a gorilla permit funds mountain gorilla preservation. This followed American primatologist Dian Fossey’s 1980s mountain gorilla census. However, the census found 300 mountain gorillas worldwide. Mountain gorillas are among the rarest and most endangered apes. Sales of gorilla permits and packages have raised the mountain gorilla numbers over 1000.

When should Gorilla Habituation Experience Safari be booked?

Booking gorilla permits is necessary to verify gorilla habituation. Some travelers seek gorilla permits six months to a year in advance because to their restricted availability. The world can book two gorilla families, but each family can only have four habituation permits.

Gorillas may live year-round, although the dry season—June, July, August, September, December, and January—is most popular. Virunga is notable for its yearly precipitation, yet the dry season may be less humid.

Why You Should Plan to Do Gorilla Habituation Experience In 2024-2025.

Even woodland roads are easier to walk on since the dense canopy lets more light dry the logged water. In dry seasons, rivers flow, preventing water overflow that causes mud. Mountain gorillas and other forest dwellers roam freely and near to the earth. The dry season simplifies mountain gorilla viewing.

Gorilla permit demand drops during Uganda’s low tourist season in March, April, May, and November, the rainy season. Most service providers try to break even this season, but last-minute gorilla permits are more likely if you plan to travel on a budget but have superior lodging and transportation.

Does the Gorilla Habituation Experience have an age limit?

Only those 15 and older may habituate gorillas. This matched Virunga’s volcanic mountains. Hiking to the hills or deep valley where mountain gorillas may be may be tough for children under 15.

A child under 15 may not comprehend gorilla habituation rules at first. Mountain gorillas may emit adrenaline. Visitors are expected to show signs of products, although children under 15 may not refuse. A child may create noise in the bush in front of mountain gorillas, frightening them and making them hide. The regulations prohibit this.

Do Mountain Gorillas Aggress During Habituation?

Though intimidating, mountain gorillas are peaceful primates. Mountain gorillas with sunken brown eyes have scary dark-furred bodies. Spending time with mountain gorillas reveals their essence. Shy and quiet primates.

This does not mean you encourage or imitate them since your message may be unclear. Mountain gorillas anger by hooting, chest-thumping, dragging grass, and more.

Don’t run away—this might ignite a forest stampede. Wait for the ranger guide to diagnose the issue, then crawl and try alternative methods.

After your time with the mountain gorillas, exit quietly to avoid notice. Mountain gorillas are sensitive primates that want to assert their dominance in the wild, thus follow gorilla habituation recommendations. Have fun with the gorilla family without touching the infants, even if they approach. Though active and adventurous, babies and juveniles should not be handled.

Are Tedious Gorillas habituated?

Gorilla habituation is exhausting due to the terrain. Volcanic activity formed hills and plateaus in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

Mountain gorillas may feed on these heights, but sometimes their starting points are distant in the lowlands and you must descend. Maybe you have to walk to see mountain gorillas.

You may need some fitness to complete the gorilla habituation challenge.

Does my Gorilla Habituation Experience need a Porter?

Yes, if you need affordable gorilla habituation equipment. A Uganda Wildlife Authority-hired porter can assist you carry your belongings while hunting and staying among mountain gorillas.

Gear may slow you down while searching for mountain gorillas, but you must know when. The porter may push you when fatigued.

Hiring a porter is one way to give back to the community. They live with this money instead of searching for the forest.

Safe Gorilla Habituation

The gorilla habituation experience is safe since these mountain gorillas were acclimated before public access. Mountain gorillas may behave strangely during habituation because they are natural yet not panicked. With knowledge about mountain gorilla features and how to overcome them, researchers can assist you through the procedure.

Follow gorilla habituation instructions from the briefing.

The gorilla habituation team includes ranger guides with at least two directions and emergency kit like a knife and rifle. Rangers carry a radio call to stay in touch with ground security in case of backup.

The Bwindi Impenetrable National territory Security and other Ugandan security forces maintain law and order within and beyond the territory.

Not entering the forest without a ranger guidance and staying near to the people’s habituation will help you avoid getting lost. Keeping your valuables concealed may attract the wrong business.

Encounter Africa Safaris offers a selection of gorilla habitat experience safaris, including luxury, mid-range, and budget options. Since gorilla habituation spans all safari packages, its costs are higher.

As previously stated, gorilla habituation experience permits cost $1500. To calculate the cost of a gorilla habituation experience safari, we consider the number of days, the itinerary, additional activities, certified companions, and others.