Filming in Murchison Falls National Park
Filming in Murchison Falls National Park.

Filming in Murchison Falls National Park.

Among Uganda’s protected areas, Murchison Falls is the biggest Located in northern Uganda, Murchison Falls National Park offers several filming opportunities in addition to tourist appeal. Filming at Murchison Falls National Park calls the proper permissions or approval; one also has to be credentialed with regard to filming equipment.

This page addresses what to shoot, when to film, where to stay while filming at Murchison Falls national Park as well as how to get there. We also let you know how Katland safaris benefits fixing companies like you.

Filming requirements inside Murchison Falls National Park

Filming at Murchison Falls national Park calls for a filming contract between Uganda Wildlife Authority and the film production. Katland safaris can assist you with this procedure, which might last one week.

Filming in Murchison Falls National Park.

Additionally needed for every member of your film crew are media cards, which Uganda Media Council provides. Katland safaris also arranges booked lodging, transportation to and from Murchison Falls National park, and clearance of filming equipment into Uganda.

What should you film in Murchison Falls National Park?

Murchison Falls National Park has several attractions and is thus a fantastic shooting site. Regarding species, Murchison Falls has lions, buffaloes, Elephants, leopards, giraffes, hippos, crocodiles, numerous antelopes, and so much more.

Murchison is thus among the finest places to capture animals on camera. You may reach the delta area at the base of the falls by boat tour or by land using a car. The Budongo forest is where anybody interested in filming chimpanzees should go.

Highlights for those drawn to landscape, top and bottom of the waterfall. Filming at Murchison Falls National park may be done all year round; just contact Katland safaris for more information.

See one of our local fixers and consultants to get more information on shooting at Murchison Falls National Park; they will have everything you need. Being the most esteemed fixer firm in Uganda makes us very proud.

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Katland Safaris