op Safari Destinations in Uganda
Top Destinations

UGANDA // pearl of africa

Top Safari Destinations in Uganda

Top Safari Destinations in Uganda: Uganda is a landlocked country in East Africa whose diverse landscape encompasses the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, home to the largest population of the remaining mountain gorillas, the snow-capped Rwenzori Mountains, the source of the river Nile and the immense Lake Victoria. Its abundant wildlife includes chimpanzees, gorillas as well as rare bird species. Uganda ia also home to a divert of over 50 tribes each with a different set of unique cultures from music, food, and in aspects of life. Remote Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is a renowned mountain gorilla sanctuary.

Uganda welcomes visitors from all over the world who stirred by their imagination, come to explore the enchanting country with its shimmering lakes and lofty mountains, our mysterious forests and game parks teeming with birds, and increasing concentrations of all kinds of wildlife. The traditional attractions of our country have been boosted by up-to-the-minute hotels and comfortable lodges, a wide range of tempting restaurants and all the modern facilities that a tourist now expects including various things to do when there.

Getting to Uganda is so easy. Entebbe International airport just 32 kilometers (20 Miles) from our Capital City Kampala. The airport is served by international carriers from Europe as well as service flights from Nairobi, Kigali, Cape Town and the African big cities providing connections with Africa’s biggest gateway.

Uganda is ideal for a voyage of discovery into the most enthralling Continents in the world. CNN, Lonely Planet and other online travel giants have all over the decade listed Uganda as among the top 20 destinations in the world. Our country presents a captivating combination of the wonders of nature, traditional customs and modern attractions. But above all other attractions is the welcome that comes from the heart of the Ugandan people.

Top Destinations Uganda
Top Destinations Uganda
Top Destinations Uganda
Top Destinations Uganda

National Parks Of Uganda


Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Top Safari Destinations in Uganda: This is one of the most popular conservation areas in Uganda and home to more than 50% of the World’s endangered mountain Gorillas, though it also harbors other wildlife that includes; chimpanzees, monkeys, elephants and various small antelopes. It’s also known to be Africa’s number one birding spot, with over 350 recorded bird species and has 23 of the Albertine rift endemics. Mountain Gorilla trekking is one of the most popular activities here and a lifetime experience. The Park has 4 tourism sectors, Nkuringo, Rushaga, Ruhija and Buhoma sector where also the park headquarters are found. This one-day activity normally starts in the morning with a briefing by the park rangers, at the park offices (depending on the family of Gorillas that one is booked for), before penetrating the impenetrable forest to have a glance at these endangered gentle giants. This being a highland, tropical rain forest, the trekking may involve walking under steep, slippery and muddy conditions and sometimes with rain over head. So, you need to carry good walking boots, rain jackets, insect repellants and packed lunch, while going for this activity. Also birding and nature walks are some of the activities done in this park.

Bwindi impenetrable National Park has abundant wildlife and other organisms or plants which are attractive to tourists. A permit to track gorillas costs $ 800 and the experience is a lifetime.

Murchison Falls National Park

Top Safari Destinations in Uganda: This is Uganda’s largest National Park located in North Western Uganda. The river spreads from the shores of Lake Albert, around the Victoria Nile up to the Karuma Falls. The present-day Murchison Falls National Park was first protected in the 1920s, as Karuma, Bugungu, and Kabalega game reserves. It was later gazetted as a national park in 1952 and named Murchison Falls National Park. Since then up to date the name has never changed. The local name though for this park is “Kabalega National Park”.

The park is bisected by the mighty River Nile, from east to west for a distance of about 115 kilometers making the southern and the northern sectors. The park is endowed with 76 species of mammal and 450 bird species. The palm studded savannah grassland northern sector harbors dense populations of localized wildlife that includes; Rothschild’s Giraffe, Jackson’s Hartebeests, Oribis, Buffaloes, Elephants, Kobs, Patus Monkeys, Jackals, Hyenas, Lions and Leopards among others. The partly forested southern sector of the park harbors one of the region’s big apes, the Chimpanzees in Budongo Forest, Baboons, Black and White Colobus Monkeys, Red-tailed and Velvet Monkeys among other wildlife. It also offers immense concentrations of Hippos, as well as Uganda’s largest population of Crocodiles and also the region’s most impressive water falls, where the name of the park comes from.

Queen Elizabeth National Park

Top Safari Destinations in Uganda: This is Uganda’s second largest national park, protecting about 95 mammal species and about 650 bird species have been recorded, including aquatic, forest and savannah species. The lush savannah park offers prime grazing to Water Buck, Bush Buck, Elephants, Buffaloes, Warthogs, Hippos, Giant Forest Hogs and Kobs (The national animal for Uganda) among others. It also harbors about 650 bird species, probably the highest concentration of bird life as compared to any park in the World.

It is majestically set in the shadow of Mountain Rwenzori and lays along the Albertine rift valley; the western arm of the great African Rift Valley, franking lake Edward and George which are connected by Kazinga channel. It was also divided into two sectors by the three water bodies, Lake George, Lake Edward and Kazinga Channel. The northern sector where the Kasenyi plains are found and the southern sector where the Ishasha plains are found and this sector is famous for it’s tree climbing Lions.

The present day Queen Elizabeth national park was first protected in the 1920s as Lake George, Lake Edward and Kigezi game reserves. It was later gazetted as a national park and named Kazinga national park in 1952. But only two years later, the British monarch paid us a visit and the Queen happened to reach this park on her honeymoon. So the name of the park was changed in her honor, Queen Elizabeth national park and since then up to date the of the park has never changed. The local name for this Biosphere reserve though, is Kazinga national park and it is shared by Kasese, Rubirizi and Kanungu Districts. It is known to be one of the most popular tourist destinations due to its diverse Eco-systems which include, sparkling savanna, lakes, wetlands, and shady, humid forests. The park also has magnificent vistas which include enormous craters caved dramatically into rolling green hills, breath taking views of Kazinga Channel and the Ishasha plains whose fig trees give ample time to the tree climbing lions.

Mgahinga National Park

Top Safari Destinations in Uganda: Mountain Mgahinga National Park is located in southwestern Uganda bordering Rwanda to the south and Congo to the west. It is 14 kilometers from Kisoro. It is 33square kilometers and the altitude ranges between 2227 meters-4127 meters. Mgahinga National Park was declared a game sanctuary by the British administration in 1930 and therefore gazette in 1991. This park was created to protect the rare mountain gorillas that inhabit its dense forests. It has 3 forested slopes of extinct volcanoes. The virungas dominate the landscape and are a home to large variety of wildlife including the endangered mountain gorillas. The park is of great biological importance because, in bad climatic conditions, it acts as a refuge for plants and animals due to its protective vegetation cover. It has numerous streams flowing northwards from the mountains. Its plains are characterized by deep volcanic ash running from the mountains and rapidly disappearing underground. It has a crater lake on mountain Muhabura and a swamp crater on mountain Mgahinga summit. Vegetation consists of woodland and only a small area of pure montane forest remains at the base of mountain Muhabura.

Kibale Forest National Park

Kibale National Park is located in the districts of Kabalore and Kamwenge approximately 320 kilometers. It extends southwards from fort portal and forms a block with Queen Elizabeth, Rwenzori and Semiliki national parks as well as Toro Semiliki reserve. National Park. It was gazetted in October 1993 and became a park in 1940’s. Today, it is one of the rewarding destinations to explore. Kibale forest is interspersed with patches of grassland and swamp has one of the richest ecosystems in the whole of Africa. It contains over 340 birds species that include the African Pitta, Green-breasted Pitta to mention just a few making it a wonderful spot for bird watchers, 14 species of snakes, 27 species of frogs and toads, at least 20 species of other reptiles and at least 200 species of butterflies. Other animals to be seen here include: chimpanzee, elephant, bush pig, giant forest hog, bats and rodents, etc.

Birding experience: This is one of East Africa’s oldest forests. A primatologist’s dream. It’s a home to a population of more than 1000 chimpanzees and a community of about 80 of these has been habituated and used for tourist visits and really observed monkey species including the Lhoests monkey, Grey cheeked Mangby, Baboons, Black and White and Red Colubus monkeys among others.

Mountain Rwenzori National Park

The Rwenzori Mountains are located in Kasese and thought to have been the source of the legend of the Mountains of the moon, the snow-capped range cited as the source of the Nile by the Alexandrine geographer Ptolemy. The first Europeans to see these legendary mountains were Arthur Jephson and Thomas Parke, members of Stanley’s cross-continental expedition led by Luigi da Savoia conquered all the major peaks. The Rwenzori Mountain is the highest mountain range in Africa and are unique among East Africa’s major peaks in that they are not volcanic in origin, but they do rise directly from the Rift Valley floor. The Rwenzori is known primarily for its challenging hiking and climbing possibilities but the range also supports a diversity of animals, including 70 mammal and 177 bird species, several of the latter being Albertine Rift endemics. It is the only national park in Uganda where the Angola colobus has been recorded, though identification of this localized monkey will require careful examination as the similar and more widespread black-and-white colobus also occurs on the mountain.

Hiking is one of the activities carried out on the Rwenzori Mountains. Two routes lead into high Rwenzori. The more established and the only option ascends the Mubuku and Bujuku valleys from Nyakalengija to the central circuit that winds between the main peaks. The new Kilembe Trail also offers rather more flexibility in tailoring itineraries to budget and time considerations than the Nyakalengija route. Climbing the mountain is also carried out. If intended to climb one of the glacial peaks, you will need to bring climbing boots and equipment such as ropes, ice-axes, harnesses, crampons and walking sticks.

Lake Mburo National Park

Lake Mburo is an underrated gem of a park, dominated by the eponymous lake which -with its forest-fringed shores hemmed in by rolling green hills – is scenically reminiscent of the more celebrated lake Naivasha in the Kenyan Rift valley. Lake Mburo has long been promoted with some desperation as an ideal overnight stop along the long drive between Kampala and the national parks along the country’s western border. It harbors several species not easily observed elsewhere in Uganda. This Park is probably the best place in Uganda to see acacia-associated birds, and Rwonyo Camp is as good a place as any to look for the likes of mosque swallow, black-bellied bustard, bare-faced go-away bird and Ruppell’s long tailed starling birds recorded at Lake Mburo are essentially southern ground hornbill, black-collared, black-throated barbets and green-capped eremomela.

It is the only reserve in the country to support a population of impala, the handsome antelope for which Kampala is named and one of only three protected areas countrywide where Burchell’s zebra occurs and others two being the far less accessible Kidepo and PianUpe. The park offers some excellent game viewing during game drives and your are likely to see as many different large mammal species that is antelopes like the topi, common duiker, oribi and Bohor reedbuck. The most frequently used roads are the impala and Zebra tracks, which respectively connect.

Mountain Elgon National Park

Mount Elgon which is located in Mbale district in Uganda is the eight-highest mountain in Africa, and it rises from the broadest base of any freestanding mountain in the world. Mount Elgon whose formation was associated with the tectonic activity that created the Rift Valley several million years ago. Eligon’s tallest peaks form a jagged circle around the caldera that has a diameter of about 8km and is dotted with small crater lakes and hot springs created by Pleistocene glacial activity. Wagagai is the tallest peak set on the Uganda side of the boarder which lies on the southwest caldera rim. Other peaks are Kiongo in the south, Mubiyi in the north and Jackson’s Summit in the east. The local Bagisu call the mountain Masaba the name of their founding ancestor who is said to have emerged from a cave on the slopes several centuries back. However, Joseph Thomson was the first European to reach the mountain’s lower slopes who approached it from the direction of Maasai land He called the mountain an Anglicization of El Kony, the name given to both the massif and its inhabitants by the Maasai who used to visit the area on cattle raids.

Hiking is one of the major activities carried out on Mount Elgon and it is not difficult to climb Mount Elgon. Hikers need to be fit though there is no specialized equipment required to reach the peaks and the mountain is not so high that there is a serious risk of the altitude-related illnesses that regularly afflict hikers on the upper slopes of Mount Kenya. This mountain can be climbed at any time of the year however dry sessions are better than wet sessions.

Semuliki National Park

Semliki National Park is located in Bundibugyo and it is situated within the Albertine Rift at an average altitude of around 700m. It is bounded to the northwest by the Semliki River which runs along the Congolese border into Lake Albert and to the east by the Fort portal -Bundibugyo road. It was gazette in October 1993, prior to which it was more widely known as the Bwamba Forest a name you will come across regularly in old ornithological literature about Uganda. Semliki National park harbors an exciting range of lowland forest species associated with the Congo Basin. There are 300 species of butterflies have been identified in the park including 46 species of forest swallowtails together with 235 moth species. Considering its small size, the park protects an extraordinary faunal diversity. It is of particular interest to birdwatchers, 435 bird species have been recorded, including a high proportion of forest birds and roughly 45 species that occur nowhere in Uganda.

Kidepo Valley National Park

The park lies in the far northeast of Uganda, isolated from the rest of the country by the sparsely populated, arid badlands of Karamoja region. It covers an area of 1,442km and it has an altitude range of between 914m and 2,750m above sea level. When you move around the park, it is ringed by mountains but its area is dominated by the broad valleys of the Kidepo River to the north and the Narus River in the south. Apoka, the site of the park’s headquarters, lodge and hostel, overlooks the Narus Valley which is the prime game-viewing area.

The dominant habitat is open or lightly wooded savanna, interspersed with patches of montane forest, riparian woodland, thick Miombo woodland, borassus palms and rocky koppies. Five primates have been recorded in this park including the localized patas monkey. Predators are particularly well represented, with 20 species resident. Of these, the black-backed jackal, bat-eared fox, aardwolf, cheetah and caracal are found in no other Uganda national park. Other antelope species are Jackson’s hartebeest, eland, bushbuck, common duiker, klipspringer, oribi, Defassa waterbuck and bohor reedbuck. The park also supports populations of elephant, Burchell’s zebra, warthog, bush pigs and buffalo.



Entebbe is a coastal East African town surrounded by the beautiful Lake Victoria which is considered to be Africa’s largest Lake. The population of this town is estimated to be about 100,000 people.  This town lies in the district of Wakiso and it’s approximately 38 km south west of Kampala the capital city of Uganda.

Entebbe has the largest growing hospitality industry, and has over the years consciously made giant strides to put its name on the global tourism map. Entebbe on a daily basis hosts a growing number of tourists from all over the world and its large number of resorts, hotels, entertainment centers and tourist attractions which have made it a perfect rendezvous for relaxation throughout the year.

“ENTEBBE” this word in a local language it means a “seat”, this town was named basing on the fact that this was a place where the Buganda chief used to sit and adjudicate legal cases.  This town Entebbe became a colonial administrative and a commercial centre in 1893, when Sir Gerald Portal came and used it as his base for his colonial work.

Europeans consider Entebbe a peninsula on Lake Victoria as the home of Entebbe International Airport, which is the only International Airport Uganda has and was opened up in 1929. The town has mainly motor cycles, taxis, car rentals and at times buses as means of transport. The availability of the United Nations base and Uganda’s state house guarantee the town’s safety and security all around it

Centers of attraction in Entebbe Town

The Uganda wildlife Education Center.

Whenever you are in Entebbe always take some time and visit the Wildlife Education Centre for the unforgettable experience of  Lions, Elephants, Buffalos, Rhinoceros, Giraffe, Nile crocodiles, big number of snake species, bird species, monkeys and many other wild components.

National Botanical Gardens

For a memorable natural experience, no tourist should leave or travel back without checking the national botanical gardens. This place parades an amazing range of and history of plant life with forest and water bird spices.

Kigungu Catholic Church

This historically Church is where the first catholic missionary fathers Amans and Mon Maple lourdel landed to establish the catholic faith in Uganda. It’s situated on one of the landing site on Lake Victoria. A new fancy catholic church has been built at the site to preserve the historic significance of that destination. Apart from the historic building at the site, tourists will also be thrilled at the massive fishing activities going on around the church on a daily basis. Lots of boats, fishermen and trading activities occur there and tourists get a chance of testing fresh or grilled fish from vendors of this area.

Oldest golf course in East Africa

The beauty of lush green sand undulating landscape of the massive golf course is a must see. It was founded in 1901and it is situated on the banks of Lake Victoria, Entebbe town 18-hole golf course is considered to be the oldest in east Africa. This golf course stretches on hundreds of hectares, its lush greens of this alluring golf course invites various tourists to the destination of pleasure, leisure and serenity. Though this golf course is displayed boldly, playing golf is strictly by membership, but you can go ahead and walk in look around and take some photos.

Entebbe International Airport

This is the only International Airport in Uganda has. Its significance to the country cannot be over-estimated. This Airport is situated on the banks of Lake Victoria, and it was from this Airport that Queen Victoria learnt of her father’s death who was the king by that time and that she had become the Queen. This forced her to fly back home using this Airport.

Ngamba Island

This is one of the Islands found on Lake Victoria near Entebbe town. It has become a major tourist attraction in Entebbe town with its Chimpanzees sanctuary. The activities done by the visitors here is Chimpanzee feeding, boat cruise, Chimpanzee viewing and also experience the view of island. Ngamba Island has got the best hotels where tourist can spend their nights to their safari on Ngamba Island. Such hotels include Ngamba island lodge, Ngamba island Tented camp and very many others and to reach there we board a boat at marine pier on the shores of Lake Victoria.

Muzinga square

This is also a recreation park as well as a land mark within the heart of Entebbe town. This is near the state house lends credence to the importance of the Muzinga monument.  Information from the tourism sector indicates that the Muzinga park monument is the most historical tourist attraction in Entebbe town. It’s found near the municipal council building; this monument was left behind by Tanzanian troops after they had ousted the late Ugandan president Idi Amin Dada. Surprisingly when they tried to blow up the municipal building, they were discouraged by gunfire from the by then to be defeated Ugandan troops and abandoned the plan and also their canon which still stands to date. This has been turned into a tourist attraction with statues of two soldiers built next to it as a way of remembering what happened that day. They put up a beautiful park with chairs where people can sit and enjoy this scenery. Surprisingly this park is always open to the public at every hour of the day and its greens provide a great space to relax while enjoying the visit of Entebbe town.

Food and drinks

Entebbe town is a home of lots of expatriates especially Asians and Europeans, so there is abundance of intercontinental dishes served at restaurants and fast food outlets within Entebbe city. Tourists can also have a chance of testing the local dishes and drinks such as matooke, karo, goat choma, African tea etc.

Summary Of Entebbe Attractions

  • Uganda Wildlife Education Center
  • National Botanical Gardens
  • Kigungu Catholic Church
  • Oldest Golf Course In East Africa
  • Entebbe International Airport
  • Ngamba Island
  • Muzinga Square
  • Food and Drinks Expatriate Homes

Entebbe Attractions


Jinja town, white water rafting, visiting source of the Nile, Mabira forest, kayaking,quard bikes, horse riding, bungee jumping, Ssezibwa falls, Itanda falls. Jinja town is located in the eastern part of Uganda neighboring the other districts of Mukono, Kayunga, to the west, Mayuge, and Iganga to the east and Kamuli in the north. It is approximately 81 kilometers from Kampala the capital city of Uganda. Jinja its self is a district in Busoga sub region.  Jinja sits on the northern shores of Lake Victoria near the source of river Nile. According to 2014 population census in Jinja town is the largest metropolitan area in the district of Jinja.

In 1960-1970 Jinja town was the industrial heart of Uganda and during that time its development was on high basing on the fact that it had good roads, railway services, factories and a lot of tourism sites.

Centers of attraction in Jinja Town

The source of the Nile

It’s in Jinja where the source of the Nile River is, the second largest in the whole world. This was discovered by the John Hanning Speke in 1858. The natives who lived there knew it but it was john hanning Speke to be the first western explorer to discover it. It was later commissioned and improved to be a tourist attraction after implementing the recommendations that helped to enhance its potential as a tourist attraction for both domestic excursionists and foreign tourists.

Itanda falls

These falls are located on the Nile River. They are 18km away from Jinja town. They are covered with nature that offers an opportunity for birding/ bird watching, picnic outings and camping.

Kyabirwa falls.

These located in a distance of 8km, these falls have got a wonderful scenery and landscape that is suitable for camping (campsite) though not yet fully adventured. It is also good for birding (bird watching) and ethno botany.

Lake Victoria beaches

The beaches on Lake Victoria have been partially exploited due to their location of tourism developments mostly the hotels. The beaches do have the following sites sailing clubs, tilapia clubs and Masese. Apart from the beautiful scenery, the lake can be used for water sports, which do attract both domestic and foreign clients, together with foreign nonresident tourists. Also the waters can be used for sport fishing and canoeing.

Lake Victoria islands

There are various islands on Lake Victoria that include Lwabitooke I and Lwabitooke II, Samuka and Ndaiga. Surprisingly some of the islands are not yet exploited for tourism purposes though they have potential. They have got potential for boat racing, overnight camping, sport fishing, day excursions and various water sports.

Historical sites and antiquities

Jinja has got a variety of historical sites. These include Bujagali ancestral site for the Soga tribe ancestral spirits, the Bujagali falls for the Busoga king’s palace at Nakabago, Mpumude hill which is the historical meeting place of the Busoga chiefs and colonial governors, Mpumude this was where the Omukama Kabalega of Bunyoro Kingdom died from.


Jinja was the first ever industrial park in the early years of 1949. This was mainly after the commencing of the construction of Owen Falls Dam that was to generate electricity to favor the smooth running of industries and business at large. The following are some of the industries and factories that are found in Jinja textile industries, beer industry (Nile breweries), steel rolling factories (Jinja steel rolling meels), Sugar factories (Kakira sugar works), grain milling(Jinja grain milling),fish factories(Masese fish factory), tea processing factories(garden tea)

Agro-based industries such as sugar and tea processing establishments have potential to attract foreign resident and non-resident tourists, if included in the tour packages, for tourists coming from countries where the semi-finished or finished products are exported.

The hydroelectricity plant at Jinja Owen Falls is also an attraction, especially for the school tours and other domestic excursion groups

Sports facilities

This is commonly proved by the outstanding Jinja Golf Pitch, the Bugembe stadium. These offer and opportunity of attracting both national tournaments and international tournaments and the participants of these tournaments are always overnight visitors.

Hotel and catering

Jinja is one of places with a well and fairly developed hotels and catering sector. The existing accommodation establishments range from backpacker to upper class tourist.

Community market visits

Jinja main market and many other several markets operating on various days do attract partially to foreign tourists.


Workshops, craft shops, and community groups are common in Jinja town and its suburbs, making mats, baskets and other souvenirs from papyrus and other natural materials.

What to do in Jinja town

Jet boats ride up.

You can take a jet boat ride up the rapids of River Nile. This is a safe adventure as you are handled by an experienced pilot who understands the river and its nuances well. This looks like a roller- coaster ride on the water. Always the word exhilarating comes to the mind and best describe a time in a jet boat on the Nile. This activity can always be booked in advance for you and we can always include it on your itinerary.

Sunset cruise

Sunset cruise always can be organized for you. Private sunset cruise are always conducted durig sunset (6:45PM) in Uganda and then total darkness sets at around 7:10PM. Sunset cruises are always conducted around 6PM and ends around 7PM giving you a 2hours experience on River Nile. The Nile is not only white-water in Jinja, but there are some serene spots that are perfect for a sunset cruise. This is especially true if you have a great Nile Sunset with its entire splendor. This cruise is always adventurous as it is accompanied with snacks and drinks.

Bungee Jumping

This is an activity that we don’t advise people with faint hearts to go for. This can be done at any time of the day. Bungee jumping can be done anywhere in the world, but that done on the largest river on earth is a different experience.

Source of  the Nile

Sir John Speke’s discovery of 1858 attracts a large number of people from all over the world. Today they constructed a park surrounding the area where many come to see the source of the Nile. These gardens are quite peaceful and beautiful. Near the river is a statue of pg Mahatma Gandhi whose ashes are strewn in the Nile. This site is developed to fit today’s world class tourism standards. Due to these standards its one of the most visited site in Uganda and east Africa.

Itanda falls.

This is the best example of white waters on the Nile and it’s in 27kilometres outside Jinja. These falls give you a chance of viewing the true white water adventure on the Nile River. These falls have sights and sounds that delights your senses and make you desire to stay longer on the Nile

Mountain bike riding along Jinja

Biking along River Nile and beyond has grown popular over and is done by most tourists that visit Jinja town. This is a safe and sane activity which can be done by families together with their children and people of all ages. This activity is even offered with an experienced guide who also knows how to fix bikes which rarely break down.

Quad biking

This is one of the most popular activities after white water rafting. This can be fun with the whole family and mainly to people who have more days to spend in Jinja.

White water rafting

White water rafting in Uganda is only done on the River Nile and its starting point is in Jinja and it ends in a small village called Itanda. This is one the adventurers experience on the River Nile. This can be arranged for you at any time of the year and depending on your interests and time you can choose to do half a day or enjoy more of the Nile River rapids for the whole day.

Summary Of Jinja Attractions

  • Source Of The Nile
  • Itanda Falls
  • Kyabirwa Falls
  • Lake Victoria Beach
  • Lake Victoria Islands
  • Historical Sites and antiquities
  • Industries
  • Sports Facilities
  • Hotel and Catering
  • Community Market Visits
  • Crafts

What To Do In Jinja Town Summary

  • Jet Boats Ride Up
  • Sunset Cruise
  • Bungee Jumping
  • Source Of the Nile
  • Itanda Falls
  • Mountain Bike Riding
  • Quad Biking
  • White Water Rafting

Jinja Attractions


Kampala city, Kasubi tombs, Uganda National museum, Uganda martyrs shrine, Rubaga cathedral, Namirembe cathedral, Kasubu tombs, Makerere University, Lubiri palace. This is the largest city and the capital of Uganda with over 1,583,000 people by 2017

Kampala city is made up of seven hills and that is Kasubi Hill which  harbors Kasubi tombs, Mengo hill this is where the present lubiri which is the Kabaka’s place is located and the headquarters of Buganda parliament (Bulange), it also has Buganda court of justice and the lukiiko, Kibuli hill this is home of the Kibuli mosque for Muslims, Namirembe hill this is the home of the Anglican cathedral, Rubaga hills this is home of the Catholics with their cathedral and this was home of white fathers, Nsambya hill this was where the mill hill mission was. It’s now houses Nsambya hospital and the Kampala hill is also known as the Old Kampala, the name Kampala came from impala since this hill was originally the home of impalas. Kampala ate up other hills of Nakasero, Mbuya that resulted into Kampala city.

Centers of attraction in Kampala Town

 Uganda National Museum:

This is located along Kira road 3 kilometers from the heart of Kampala city center. 1908 the Uganda National Museum was established with assortments of items from traditional chiefs. This museum holds items of Uganda’s history, natural historical samples, archaeological art facts and musical instruments.

Kasubi tombs:

These are found on Kasubi hill and they are 5 kilometers on Kampala Hoima road. This is a place where previous Kabakas (Kings) of Buganda Kingdom were laid to rest/ buried. The following are some of those Kabakas (Kings) buried in Kasubi tombs and their years of rule, Mutesa I ruled from 1856-1884, Daudi Chwa ruled from 1899-1939, Muteesa II ruled from 1939-1966 and Mwanga from 1884-1897.  Kasubi tombs have the biggest burial tomb in Africa. There are some small other tombs in Buganda but as used as residents for care takers and houses for some of the Buganda Kingdom regalia.

The scrupulous architecture of the large tomb and the smaller hats is what mostly tourists admire to see in this place. The detailed observation of pictures, regalia and stories of former Kings’ accompanied by history of Buganda has attracted a million tourists to the tombs.

Uganda martyrs shrine Namugongo.

This is the most distinguished shrine in Uganda and its located along Kampala Jinja highway. This shrine is considered to be one of the most important site among African Christians.it is believed that 32 young Christian converts together with Anglicans were martyred here on refusal to denounce Christianity,  which was spreading like wild fire in Uganda from 1870. This angered Kabaka Mwanga who was there by that time that prompted him to order for their execution. 32 men were believed to have been executed on 3rd/June/ 1886.

Rubaga Cathedral:

This is located on one of the hills making up Kampala city and that is Rubaga hill. It is 5 kilometers northwest of the city center. This cathedral is taken to be the home of the roman cardinal of the Catholic Church in Uganda. Rubaga hill was the place of the former palace of Mutesa I but his successor Mwanga donated it to Bishop hirth in 1889. This Cathedral was opened up on 31st/October/1925.

Bahai Temple:

This Temple is located on Kikaya hill and its 7km away from Kampala city centre on Gayaza road. Bahai Temple is the only Bahai faith Temple in the whole  of Africa. This temple attracts followers of Bahai faith from all the corners of the world. The beautiful scenery of Kampala view surrounding this temple attracts people to come for both prayers and medication.

Namirembe Cathedral:

This is located on Namirembe hill which is directly opposite to Rubaga hill. This is where the Anglican archbishop of church of Uganda resides. Kabaka Muteesa I donated this hill to the early missionaries in 1877, and the church was put into place in 1880. The Cathedral then followed to be constructed in 1890.

Kibuli Mosque:

This is one of the most beautiful views of Kampala. This is found on Kibuli hill  and was the first home of Muslims in Uganda prince Badru Kakungulu a Buganda royal and a colonial collaborator owned most of the land on this hill and he was the person that donated the land top which was 3973 feet to Muslims to construct a mosque which they did and still exists beautifully.

Gadaffi Mosque:

This is termed as the National Mosque and its located on Kampala hill which is also called Old Kampala. This mosque was completed in 2006 with a sitting capacity of 5000 people and can also hold other 1100 in the gallery, but also the terrace can accommodate another 3500 people.  The late colonel Muammar Gaddaffi the former president of Libya constructed this mosque as a gift to Uganda but indeed for Ugandan Muslims.

Makerere University:

This University seats on Makerere hill and it is 3km north the Kampala city centre. This university is the main higher learning institution and the largest in Uganda. At first this was a technical school in 1922but later in 1963 it was transformed into a university of east African region with ability to offer courses leading to a general degree from university of London.  It later became a fully independent national university in 1970 when the University Of East Africa was split into three independent universities that’s university of Nairobi, (Kenya) university of Dar e salaam (Tanzania) and Makerere university. Makerere University was a home to many prominent African leaders for example Milton Obote (Uganda), Julius Nyerere (Tanzania), and many other alumni.

Mulango Hospital.

This hospital is located 3.5 km away north east of the heart of Kampala city center. Originally this hospital was a treatment center that started in 1913; it was later constructed fully in 1950.  The major attractions at this hospital are the architectural buildings and research.

Independence monument. This is located along speak road opposite Standard Chartered bank, the British Colonial government funded the construction of this independence monument in the days of leading up to Ugandans first Independence Day celebrations on October 9th 1962. The depicting man unwrapping his child and raising it to touch the sky, this towering sculpture signifies a new born country that is being released from bondages of colonization. The monument is made out of cement, sand, iron bars and wire mesh.  This whole work of building this monument was done by a man called Gregory Maroba, a Lubya sculptor from Kenya who taught and studied at Makerere University from 1939-1965.

Lubiri Palace/ Mengo Palace.

This is the royal compound for the Kabaka of Buganda kingdom. Its located in Mengo, this monarchy dates back almost 800 years. This palace was constructed by Daniel Basamula ekere Mwanga II and was the 31st Kabaka of Buganda. The palace measures a 4 square miles in size. It’s fenced with a six –foot brick fence and has a small air strip within it.

Kabaka’s Lake.

This lake is man-made lake in the country. This lake is found in the township of Ndeeba which is close to 5 km away from Kampala city center in the west, on old Masaka road. This lake was constructed under the orders of Kabaka Mwanga II who was the king of Buganda by that time. The 52 distinct Buganda kingdom clans consider it sacred and used to always mobilize their people to clean it. There are several cottages constructed to offer accommodation, there are some activities done on this lake as you will be told by the guide available.

Sir Albert Cook Site. The year of 1896 when the church missionary society sought missionaries to come to Uganda, Sir Albert Cook volunteered to take on this job. They used a sea to sail and they landed in Mombasa after two months. They rested in Mombasa for another two months  and they later mobilized their 500 porters for the caravan, Albert Cook embarked on over 1,360 mile trek to Kampala arriving after 3 months. 1897  he established Mengo hospital which is the oldest hospital in East Africa. He later married Katherine Timpson, a missionary nurse in 1900 with whom they had two daughters and a son, Sir Albert Cook site is located in Mengo, Kampala.

Summary Of Kampala Attractions

  • Uganda National Museum
  • Kasubi Tombs
  • Uganda Martyrs Shrine
  • Rubaga Cathedral
  • Bahai Temple
  • Namirembe Cathedral
  • Kibuli Mosque
  • Gadaffi Mosque
  • Makerere University
  • Mulago Hospital
  • Lubiri Palace
  • Kabaka’s Lake

Kampala Attractions

Ssese Islands

The Ssese Islands are perhaps Uganda’s best kept secret. These beautiful islands are a piece of paradise surrounded by water in a landlocked country.

The Ssese Islands are found on Lake Victoria, the second largest lake in the world which is shared by Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. They are a beach paradise even though there is no sea, or ocean shore.

These islands are 84 altogether and this collection of islands has sandy beaches, and palms, exotic plants, flowers and trees, and of course friendly people. Ugandans are forever friendly. These islands are the perfect holiday spot for a getaway. Add Uganda’s all year round perfect weather to the equation of beautiful sandy beaches and you have a paradise. The islands are found in the northwestern corner of the Lake Victoria.

If you are on a Uganda safari, white water rafting, gorilla trekking or climbing up Mount Elgon, you eventually need to wind down from all those adrenalins charged activities. The Ssese island are the best place to go you wind down relax and enjoy some peace and quiet before you go back to do more adventurous things like bungee jumping or head back home at the end of your trip. It happens to be quite close to Entebbe airport, so you can start your trip there or end it there.

What are the sights and sounds on the Ssese islands?

The islands, as mentioned earlier have beautiful sandy beaches, palms, exotic plants and flowers.

There are is a tropical forest filled with primates such as monkeys and other species of wildlife such as the Sitatunga Antelopes, and exotic bird species. The Ssese islands are truly a bird watchers paradise.

While on the islands you can visit the villages, interact with the locals and learn something about their cultures and way of life.

There are some exciting activities such as boating and fishing. You can go boating, either paddling yourself on the lake, or with a guide, you could also take a motor boat ride out on the lake, or if you like fishing, you could go fishing and try your hand at catching the huge Nile perch fish or the tilapia, you could even catch fish and cook it yourself.

Because it is Uganda, and Uganda is a fruit republic, there is of course a variety of fruits to be enjoyed on the island. Everything from mangoes to bananas, papaya, watermelons, pineapples and of course jackfruit, which you have probably never tasted before if it’s your first time on the African continent.

The islands a scenic and a very interesting place to visit; even the view of the sun rising or setting over these islands is breathtaking. They are not only a secret for Uganda, but also considered one of the world’s best secret islands.

How do you get to the Ssese Islands?

Getting to the islands is takes only a few hours on a ferry ride.

If you are using public transportation, like taxis and buses, you can get a taxi from the new taxi park in Kampala heading towards Masaka, and get off at a place called Nyendo about 3km from Masaka. From Nyendo you can make your way to Kalangala. There is a bus that travels directly from Kampala to Kalangala. There is also some regular ferry service from one island to another. You can also charter a flight to the islands.

What are the sights and sounds on the Ssese islands?

The islands, as mentioned earlier have beautiful sandy beaches, palms, exotic plants and flowers.

There are is a tropical forest filled with primates such as monkeys and other species of wildlife such as the Sitatunga Antelopes, and exotic bird species. The Ssese islands are truly a bird watchers paradise.

While on the islands you can visit the villages, interact with the locals and learn something about their cultures and way of life.

There are some exciting activities such as boating and fishing. You can go boating, either paddling yourself on the lake, or with a guide, you could also take a motor boat ride out on the lake, or if you like fishing, you could go fishing and try your hand at catching the huge Nile perch fish or the tilapia, you could even catch fish and cook it yourself.

Because it is Uganda, and Uganda is a fruit republic, there is of course a variety of fruits to be enjoyed on the island. Everything from mangoes to bananas, papaya, watermelons, pineapples and of course jackfruit, which you have probably never tasted before if it’s your first time on the African continent.

The islands a scenic and a very interesting place to visit; even the view of the sun rising or setting over these islands is breathtaking. They are not only a secret for Uganda, but also considered one of the world’s best secret islands.

Where do will stay when you visit the Ssese Islands?

There are hotels and lodges on some of the islands. Bugala Island which is perhaps the largest and most frequented by visitors has the most hotel and lodging accommodations. Many of these are located along the lake, giving you a beach front view and access to the lake. Good accommodation close to the beach makes for a good and relaxing holiday. You can even enjoy a beach camp fire in the evening.

There is no large hotel, or five-star accommodations on the islands but the accommodation that is there is good. And there is something for everyone depending on your budget.

The Ssese Islands are very serene and beautiful. Life here moves at a much slower and relaxing pace, than Kampala. There is not much road traffic. You can even enjoy a relaxing bicycle ride, without worrying about being overwhelmed by vehicle traffic, or take a walk through the forest and visit the villages.

There are so many destinations that you can add to your itinerary for a safari in Uganda, but a visit to the Ssese Islands is something you really do not want to miss out on for any reason. These islands were listed as one of the world’s best secret islands because they are simply amazing.

This is the perfect place to relax, rest your mind and your body from the hustle and bustle of the city, or the exciting and equally tiring tourist adventures that Uganda has to offer.



It is very important to Know Uganda’s weather and climate when planning your trip to Uganda, this will help you understand how the weather and climate will be during your trip in Uganda. In general Uganda has mostly tropical climate making it much warmer during the day and cooler at night. Uganda has two seasons the dry and wet season which occur on specific month throughout the year. The climate is influenced by the topography and vegetation areas at high altitude, including the gorilla parks in the south western Uganda get colder and uncertain rains.

The dry season in Uganda occurs in the months of June to August and December to February every year, during this time the average temperatures hover around 27°C/81°F in the afternoon and 16°C/61°F in the morning. During this time as well it can still rain especially in the tropical rain forests. These months are part of the wet season in the northern Uganda unlike in the central and south. December to February most of this time the north is very clear and dry and in the south there are less rains in the parks.

The wet season in Uganda occurs in the months of March, April, May, September, October & November every year, during this time the average temperatures hover around 28°C/82°F in the afternoon and 16°C/61°F in the morning. During this time as well it can still be dry especially in the tropical rain forests. There is more rainfall throughout the country during these months, with a clear peak in April in the south. Most days have some sunshine as well. The rain can make travel more difficult.

The best time for Gorilla Trekking in Uganda?

Gorilla trekking in Uganda is done throughout the year and the best time to do a gorilla trekking in Uganda is during the drier months of January, February, June to early September, this is makes it easier to travel to the park and gives a clear view of gorillas given the vegetation cover is not too much high grown.


There are different types of accommodations in Bwindi ranging from Budget, midrange and Luxury. Each region has different lodges which offer quality services to visitors

In Buhoma region; lodges include

  • Buhoma lodge,
  • silver back lodge,
  • jungle view lodge
  • Buhoma community rest camp.

In Rushaga, lodges include

  • Chameleon hill,
  • Gorilla safari lodge,
  • Nsongi camp,
  • Lake Mutanda
  • Kisoro travellers rest.

In Nkuringo there is

  • clouds lodge
  • Nkuringo gorilla camp.

In Ruhija region, there is

  • Ruhija gorilla lodge
  • gorilla mist camp.

The beds range from double, twin to single. The lodges offer services like Meals on full board or half board, and cultural performances. Some lodges are located on lake shores like the chameleon hill lodge and Lake Mutanda lodge and they have activities like boat cruise to different highlands. All this experience can be added to gorilla trekking.


  • Primates lodge kibale
  • Turaco Lodge
  • Kibale forest camp
  • Chimpanzee guest house.


  • Mweya safari lodge
  • Elephant hub lodge
  • Elephant plains lodge
  • Bush lodge
  • Enganzi game lodge


  • Paraa safari lodge
  • Pakuba safari lodge
  • Bakers lodge
  • Twiger safari lodge