Preparing for wildlife Safaris to Uganda
Preparing for wildlife Safaris to Uganda

Preparing for wildlife Safaris to Uganda – How to get the best out of your safari game drive in Uganda

Preparing for wildlife Safaris to Uganda. Like any other safari destination in Africa, national parks and game reserves in Uganda are home to wildlife species, and therefore their movements Are not Controlled in any way.  We never make programs with nature before conducting a safari but our team of experienced guides makes it a point to help you get the best of your expectations out of any safari you conduct with us.

Preparing for wildlife Safaris to Uganda – Things to Consider

Have Realistic expectations.

Uganda safari parks are expansive with wild animals spread over vast savannah plains, which means you’ll be driving over distant game tracks to find a concentration of animals. Irrespective of how much you’ve paid for your safari, sightings are not guaranteed, especially for the big elusive animals.

It’s best you curate your expectations with your expert local guide on which kinds of animals you may encounter. Gather more information about the park you’ll be visiting, what kind of animals are there, and the quality of game drives in that park before you book your trip.

Generally, it’s best to have as few realistic expectations as possible and be rewarded with surprising wildlife drama.

Preparing for wildlife Safaris to Uganda

Gather more information about the destination.

Your safari guide’s primary goal is to make the most of your African safari. Most guides are good at spotting animals, and they can also offer exciting information relevant to the sightings. They’ll undoubtedly have plenty of amazing stories to tell. Engage with them to get a brighter picture of your adventure, and the best position, spot rare animals, ask questions, and collect stories to tell back home. Also, make sure they’ve turned off the at-sightings; sometimes, they get caught up in the moments and forget that you may not be hearing them.

Ultimately, it’s easy to get too focused on the Big 5 and other large mammals on guided safari game drives, partly because the Big Five is heavily marketed. Searching for them seems to be the main aim of any safari drive. However, viewing small animals and birds can be highly rewarding as well. A photograph of a dung beetle or a colorful bird is more evocative than spending 30 minutes watching a sleeping lion. An excellent way to focus on the small stuff is to drive very slowly on the game tracks. 

Preparing for wildlife Safaris to Uganda

Be very patient

The best game viewing moment on the Savannah plains is often a waiting game. Whether you’re sitting by a waterhole or slowly trundling through the bush with your eyes peeled, having patience during a safari game drive is crucial to creating lasting wilderness moments.

So, carry a load of patience with your local safari guide because they must ensure that your sightings are as memorable as possible. Instead of driving from animal to animal, it pays to stay with a potentially good sighting. Spending time will offer an opportunity to see some interesting animal behavior.

Less camera time, more viewing

Safari game drives in Uganda offer excellent wildlife photography opportunities, but hopefully, you’ll have some rewarding interactions with your local guide. You’ll probably make a close bond with your guide, and at the end of the day, it’s the human conversations that will continuously stay with you. So, put the camera down, and you’ll find that great shot.

Best Time to Go for Game Safaris in Uganda

The best time to go for game and wildlife safaris in Uganda wildlife viewing on safari game drive in Uganda’s western savannah parks is during the dry seasons from June to August and December to February and the best time for game drives in Kidepo Valley National Park is immediately after the rainy season in September, October, November, and through the long dry season through December to April.

Things to take on a game safari to Uganda

  • Comfortable layers of safari clothing.
  • Gadgets & Tools that’s a nice Camera, pairs of Binoculars, and animal Guide books
  • Any other personal stuff.

Contact us with any inquiries and questions about Preparing for Game Safaris to Uganda

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Katland Safaris