High mountain gorilla filming fees affecting Uganda Tourism promotion.

Reducing the high mountain gorilla filming fees is one way the Uganda Wildlife Authority may encourage gorilla trekking and tourism. It should be mentioned that photographing mountain gorillas in Uganda is one of the most costly wildlife filmmaking activities.

According to interviews done by Katland Safaris, a lot of people who ended up booking safaris to Uganda were searching for a cheap and safe place to do gorilla trekking, but they didn’t know much about the country itself.

There is a lot of work that has to be done in public relations and advertising Uganda as a fantastic tourist destination, no matter how much we praise its beauty as the jewel of Africa or a gift from nature. Whatever the case may be, Uganda should capitalise on the increased international interest in mountain gorilla trekking by distributing more promotional materials and raising awareness.

Costs associated with shooting Uganda’s high mountain gorillas

For the 2024–20-25 season, the Uganda Wildlife Authority set a rate of $4300.00 per hour for up to eight crew members to shoot mountain gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga National Park. Additionally, USD800.00 per person for one hour is the price that each crew member is required to pay for their gorilla permit.

High mountain gorilla filming fees affecting Uganda Tourism promotion.

The Uganda Wildlife Authority adds 5% to the already exorbitant mountain gorilla filming expenses as a monitoring fee. In addition to fees levied by the Uganda Wildlife Authority, the Uganda Media Council charges television and production firms for accreditation and the temporary importation of equipment. The whole procedure of recording mountain gorillas for an hour becomes very costly due to this. Try to put a price on three or four hours of filming mountain gorillas.

Many media and production firms have been discouraged from shooting and photographing Ugandan mountain gorillas due to the prohibitive cost of doing so. This further suggests that major corporations like National Geographic and the BBC have been the subjects of professional films about mountain gorillas and tourism in Uganda.

It is quite probable that several production companies will visit Uganda to shoot mountain gorillas and documentaries on the country’s tourist potential if the hefty filming costs for Bwindi Impenetrable are lowered. More tourists will flock to Uganda as a result of its increased visibility in the global community.

Naturally, if you were to question an official from the Uganda Wildlife Authority, you would hear that their only motivation for defending the high mountain gorilla filming fees is to shield these endangered primates from human exposure and disturbance.

Although this is accurate, the Uganda Wildlife Authority continues to charge a 5% monitoring fee in order to lessen these impacts. At the same time, while protecting these endangered great apes, it would be wise to investigate ways to increase gorilla tourism by lowering the fees for filming high mountain gorillas. Currently, many television and production companies are hesitant to film in Uganda, which could lead to negative publicity for the country.

Filming in the Rwenzori Mountains

Filming Lions in Uganda.

Uganda’s top fixers and locational scouting, preparation, process media card, kit clearance, fixers, and other services needed by film teams planning to shoot in Uganda is Katland Safaris This post will discuss shooting lions in Uganda, ideal sites for such filming, licenses for such activity in Uganda among other factors.

Though other parks and reserves contain a few lions, the finest places for lion filming are Queen Elizabeth National Park, Murchison Falls National Park, and Kidepo Valley National Park. Those who want to film lions in Uganda have to get in touch with Uganda Wildlife Authority, an organization dedicated to protecting species for next generations.

Filming Lions in Uganda.

Uganda Wildlife Authority has all lion filming permissions. From this, they will create for you a filmmaking contract; you must write to them when you want to shoot, how many days, how many film crew members you will have, etc. When contacted, Katland Safaris spares you this trouble. While you get ready, they will handle everything on your behalf.

Important specifications for photographing lions in Uganda

You must need a filming contract from Uganda’s wildlife Authority, press credentials from Uganda Media Council, and clearance of your equipment. Accommodation, transportation to and from shooting sites, and a fixer to assist you come under additional logistical considerations.

Those who need to easily locate lions might choose to take advantage of predator or lions experience, which entails following specified prides of lions. This costs more than searching for lions on a regular game drive.

Since we have been in this profession for quite some time, please contact Katland Safaris for specifics about shooting lions in Uganda; we will guide you straight from scouting to filming.

Chimpanzee filming permits – Chimpanzee trekking safaris uganda.

Mountain Gorilla Filming Locations.

Only three nations worldwide allow one to shoot the rare and threatened mountain gorillas. Today’s essay will look at mountain gorilla filming sites so that media houses and filmmaking corporations may learn where they may shoot gorillas from. Among the nations possessing mountain gorilla filming sites are Democratic Republic of Uganda, Rwanda, and Uganda itself. These three nations are the only places these uncommon primates naturally exist.

These are the sites for shooting mountain gorillas.

Mountain gorilla filming sites in Uganda include of Mgahinga National Park in the southwest and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Uganda therefore becomes a major mountain gorilla shooting site worldwide as roughly half of the mountain gorillas live there.

Mountain Gorilla Filming Locations.

While we have one habituated gorilla family in Mgahinga National Park, Bwindi National park boasts around 11 habituated mountain gorilla families that might be used for filming. Over ten gorilla families live in Volcanoes National Park, where mountain gorilla shooting sites in Rwanda are located for gorilla trekking and filmmaking.

The Democratic Republic of Congo’s huge Virunga National park is another mountain gorilla filming site. Of the three mountain gorilla shooting sites, The Democratic Republic of Congo is the most dangerous and hence we advise gorilla filming in Uganda and Rwanda until the political situation in the Congo normalizes.

While Rwanda Development Board is in charge of Volcanoes mountain gorilla shooting sites, Uganda Wildlife Authority is in responsible of mountain gorilla filming locations of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and mgahinga national Park. Anyone wishing to shoot these species must first sign a memorandum of understanding with these two bodies to be given a filming permission.

According to the legislation, every foreign media company has to be accredited; Uganda Media Council handles this task here in Uganda. Since neither Uganda nor Rwanda is carnet free, they must temporarily clear their shooting equipment into both countries. Fixer firm Katland safaris can assist any film crew companies while filming in either Rwanda or Uganda.

Mountain gorilla filming fees have been increased.

After looking over her prices, Uganda Wildlife Authority changed certain things including filming costs for mountain gorillas. From USD4000.00 to USD4300.00, mountain gorilla shooting expenses have been raised; hence, all those interested in filming mountain gorillas in Uganda have to pay additional USD300.00.

The current adjustment will remain until December 2017, when Uganda Wildlife Authority will once again examine its pricing. There are various reasons why mountain gorilla shooting expenses have been raised; we will discuss such reasons in this post so that all those interested in filming mountain gorillas know the truth before they go to Uganda.

Reasons behind the rising mountain gorilla filming costs

Uganda’s wildlife Authority has raised mountain gorilla filming costs for a number of reasons, including collecting money to help to save the endangered species. Filming firms would first pay USD4000.00 as a group charge and get the chance to film mountain gorillas for a full day.

Mountain gorilla filming fees have been increased.

For every member of the film team, this expense would be on top of USD800.00 for gorilla permit. Companies must pay USD4300.00 per group for one hour this time round then USD800.00 for gorilla permit per person for one hour.

Consequently, USD 8400.00 will have to be paid on top of gorilla permits each person if a movie firm wishes to film for two hours. Uganda Wildlife Authority will charge more the longer hours of filming are spent; this will also help to generate income to help to save mountain gorillas found in Uganda. This money is utilized not just for gorilla protection but also for staff well-being at Uganda Wildlife.

One should be aware of the complete procedure of obtaining filming permissions from Uganda Wildlife Authority, much as Mountain gorilla filming costs have been raised.

All people planning to film mountain gorillas have to provide an official letter to Uganda Wildlife Authority identifying themselves and outlining who, why, when they and for what length of time they want to shoot. After that, Katland Safaris will transmit this letter to Uganda Wildlife Authority, who will then create a memorandum of agreement to be signed by UWA and the firm.

This will cover all rules and conditions of shooting in National Park as well as filming expenses and five percent monitoring costs. Authorised Katland Safaris will sign and choose this filming contract on your behalf. Being the top fixer business in Uganda, Katland Safaris is happy to collaborate with you anytime you want to capture mountain gorillas in either Bwindi Impenetrable National Park or Mgahinga National Park.