Buraiga chimp habituation experience at USD300
Buraiga chimp habituation experience at USD300.

Buraiga chimp habituation experience at USD300.

New developments and goods, such as a habituation encounter with buraiga chimpanzees, are making 2024 an exciting year for tourism in Uganda. The Uganda Wildlife Authority has created a new innovation and product for the 2024–2025 year: a Buraiga chimpanzee habituation experience, which costs USD300.00.

For those interested in partaking in this unusual activity, they may reach out to Katland Safaris or the Uganda Wildlife Authority for more information. Kibale National Park now offers a Buraiga chimpanzee habituation experience for USD300.00.

Buraiga chimp habituation experience at USD300.

The Buraiga chimpanzees are one of the habituated groups in Kibale National Park, but they are still learning to tolerate humans. Kanyanchu is where you’ll begin your buraiga habituation journey, while the Uganda Wildlife Authority headquarters in Kampala is where you’ll get your permits.

Why is it that the Buraiga chimpanzee habituation experience costs less than $300?

Although both Buraiga and Kibale National Park provide chimpanzee habouruation, the former costs $300.00 per person for six hours and the latter costs $300.00 per person for each trip. The disparity in cost is due to the fact that both the Buraiga chimpanzee population and the likelihood of encountering habituated wild chimpanzees are in their infancy.

Those who have endured the Buraiga chimpanzee habituation experience, which costs USD300, warn that it is not for the faint of heart and requires a strong constitution since the apes are still in their natural habitat and constantly on the go.

Due to the novelty of the product, the Uganda Wildlife Authority has not yet provided us with any formal details. The 2024–2025 UWA tariffs clearly show the Buraiga chimpanzee habituation licenses, which cost USD300.00.

One option to spend more time with chimpanzees is via a chimpanzee habituation session, which allows for up to six hours of watching and photography. At Kibale National Park, visitors may see and interact with wild chimpanzees via a variety of activities designed to acclimate them to human presence.

For $300 and $300, respectively, you may have a chimpanzee habituation experience with Katland Safaris. Once all the specifics are ironed out, we will get you the lowdown on the buraiga chimpanzee habituation experience for USD300 per person.


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Katland Safaris