Where To See & Support Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda
Where To See & Support Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda.

Where To See & Support Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda.

Searching for places to observe and assist Rwandan mountain gorillas? Watching the natural animals around us helps one to understand much of human behavior; one of those contemplative experiences that test your knowledge and love of the environment is viewing mountain gorillas.

Looking directly in his beautiful eyes and seated 32 feet away from a 400 pound mature silverback gorilla, realize that these animals just want to live and will profoundly impact you!

Though its fairly new location to the globe, Rwanda provides some of the most amazing experiences with mountain gorillas; its tropical mountain jungles house some amazing species. With civil wars wiping away roughly half of the population, the nation had a not very attractive finish of the century. Its performance on the African safari scene is very outstanding.

Gorillas in Rwanda

For the tourism of Rwanda, mountain gorillas are literally black gold. These massive apes, partially related to those seen in zoos all around, are mountain gorillas. Those originate in tropical rainforests of Western Africa. Bigger, hairier, and living high in the mountains at 8,000 to 13,000 feet are mountain gorillas.

Found in a limited central African area, there are a little more than 1000 mountain gorillas remaining in two different habitats. Thanks to the relentless cooperative efforts of our governments, environmentalists, local communities, and travel industry.

Part of the gorilla population living high in the Virunga Mountains across the border between Rwanda, DRC, and Uganda is under protection by Rwanda. About 500 mountain gorillas under protection in the amazing Bwindi Impenetrable National Park call Uganda home.

About 700 mountain gorillas wander Volcanoes National Park’s slopes, on the Virungas side of Rwanda. A few others are left for scientific study, but fifteen gorilla populations are completely habituated for gorilla trekking. Every group typically consists of a dominant male silverback, a handful of females and young ones.

Though their migrations are very erratic, mountain gorillas have been shown to prefer to stay within a 16 square mile home area. The nice part is rangers remain with them during daylight for protection and monitoring; they can easily anticipate where to locate them the following day since gorillas make nests every night and sleep all night.

It is vital to spend peaceful times with gorillas in a natural environment free from most disturbance to their welfare. Every day inside the Volcanoes National Park forest are gorilla trekking expeditions. Expert trackers and rangers guide small groups of visitors up bamboo-covered slopes to spend a valuable hour, only a few feet from the gentle giants of the highlands.

Experts in organizing such events with you are Katland.
Where in Rwanda may one find Mountain Gorillas?

There are several extinct volcanic mountains exactly along the far northeastern boundary with Uganda and DRC, with the tallest at 14,787 feet (4,506 meters). Mountain gorillas prefer to climb the Virungas slopes. Volcanoes National Park guards the Rwanda side.

Just one protected area in Rwanda, Volcanoes National Park or Parc National des Volcans in French, has mountain gorillas. Relatively easily accessible to visitors, gorilla trekking in Rwanda is safe under close supervision.

 Volcanoes National Park
Protecting mountain gorillas, other primates, and some of the most endangered species in the world in a 160 sq km (62 sq mi), Volcanoes National Park is Rwanda’s side of the Virunga Mountains. Rising over 15,000 feet above the central African gorilla area, the great ancient Virunga mountains almost entirely clothed in thick, green rainforest provide gorilla habitat.

Only at Volcanoes National Park will you be able to observe the amazing mountain gorillas while visiting Rwanda.

Volcanoes National Park, which is in northwest Rwanda near the boundary between DRC and Uganda, preserves a complex mosaic of montane habitats that encompass evergreen and bamboo forest, open grassland, wetland, and heath while also housing the famed mountain gorillas. Finding that the canopy of the park hosts 160 bird species will wow birders.

On five of the eight volcanoes in the Virunga Mountains—Karisimbi (the tallest at 4,507m), Bisoke with its lush crater lake, Muhabura, Gahinga, and Sabyinyo—Volcanoes National Park The park runs alongside Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in Uganda and Virunga National Park in the DRC.

Among the most fascinating sights in the park are the golden monkeys in the bamboo woods, 160 different bird species, and the threatened mountain gorillas. Other highlights are Musanze Caves, created 62 million years ago during the last known volcanic eruption, and Buhanga Eco-Park, an ancient woodland with most fascinating mythology from Rwanda.

Calling it Karisoke Research Centre, Diana Fossey established her study base on the meadow between Karisimbi and Visoke in Volcanoes National Park. It remains a program run under the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund. When you visit Rwanda and learn how you may help mountain gorillas there, there is one place you should go. Fossey made it possible for us to view mountain gorillas; the gorillas still need our assistance.

One of the most unusual encounters in the region is tracking threatened mountain gorillas throughout the enigmatic intimacy of the rain forest, filled with the sounds of 600 kinds of vibrant birds and chattering of the rare golden monkey.Where To See & Support Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda.

Visitors visiting Rwanda’s mountain gorillas assemble at the trailhead in Kiningi around 07:00. Based on fitness levels, a professional guide assigns a gorilla family group to every six-person trekking party. Then they go over procedures and guidelines for seeing gorillas in Rwanda with all the hikers. First, however, you have to have bought your gorilla permit, which lets you into the park assisted and tested negative for COVID-19 before you visit.

Rwanda’s Gorilla Permits

Rwanda awarded six gorilla permits daily each gorilla family, therefore guaranteeing a close and gentle interaction with the mountain gorillas throughout your jungle trip. Given just 15 completely habituated gorilla populations accessible for hiking, it follows that only 96 permits are daily available in Rwanda.

Here the lesson is to reserve early to get a seat near to the towering silverback. Either arrange the permit online or write us an email; we have the license to obtain you one.

A Rwanda gorilla permit is USD 1,500 day per person. Gorilla trekking in Rwanda has a minimum age restriction of fifteen years. To see the mountain gorillas, the nation also provides special discounts to East African Community members and Rwandan citizens.

Trekking from Rwanda Gorillas
Starting at 07:00 at Volcanoes National Park headquarters in Kinigi, gorilla trekking in Rwanda There, a guide guides guests on policies and procedures to follow when seeing gorillas and inside the park.

Based on fitness levels, they split guests into groups of six for every gorilla family that is accessible; then, they travel out to trekking trailheads and other sites on the outside of the park with two rangers and an experienced tracker in tow.

Susa, Sabyinyo, Kwitonda, Igisha, Karisimbi, Amahoro, Bwenge, Agashya, Umubano, Hirwa, Ugyenda, and Muhoza are among the completely habituated gorilla families found in Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda.

Trekking to discover the mountain gorillas may require from 30 minutes to 4 hours trudging in rough terrain at high elevations between 2,500 m and 4,000 m (8,300 ft to 13,150 ft), as gorilla movements are erratic.

Porters at the headquarters are ready to carry bags, tools, and aid through the difficult areas should guests need it for hiking up there. Using a local porter also directly helps gorillas and returns benefits to nearby towns.

Visiting the gorillas only allows one hour, and guests must keep a safe distance of thirty-two feet (10m) from the animals. Your guide will assist you avoid interaction even if gorillas approach you. Moreover, using a facemask, these guidelines enable gorillas to remain free from human respiratory infections. Knowing they share 98% of our DNA, they become bored with what makes us ill.

Eco-friendly gorilla travel in Rwanda
The gorilla tourism initiative aims for the region’s sustainability—including that of its people. Local community development including road construction, schools, and health facilities receives 10% of Rwanda’s gorilla permit income.

Some of the money goes for compensations to nearby farmers whose crops Gorillas from the refuge have destroyed. a means of encouraging harmonic cohabitation.

Gorilla tourism directly or indirectly employs almost all of the small villages surrounding the park. From rangers, trackers, and guides to porters, tour operators, drivers, and service workers in hotels, gorilla trekking shapes thousands of men’s and women’s life.

Because to this network of individuals cooperating, mountain gorillas are the greatest successful tale of environmental protection. Coming to see this tale from the source with gorillas in their natural environment will help you support them.

The Karisote Research Center
Established by Dian Fossey on September 24, 1967, Karisoke Research Center is the main source of our information on gorillas and the only conservation initiative having resulted in a wild ape population growth.

From hundreds of workers, researchers, and supporters worldwide, Dian Fossey’s narrative of Karisoke is one of great tenacity, bravery, and vision. Along with Karisoke, the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund carries on and grows her legacy. The money will help the mountain gorillas in the Virungas.

Reaching her mausoleum on a 2 to 3-hour journey in the Volcanoes forest at 980 feet height will help you to follow the footsteps of the great Dian Fossey from the park headquarters. You will relax and contemplate about the beauties of Dian on this soothing journey over the forest. “No peace like that found in the vast green forests. Sleep in the forgetting of all disease. John Muir corresponded.

Look for Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International stated above, Gorilla Doctors and Wildlife Conservation Society, The Gorilla Organisation, and International Gorilla Conservation Organisation if you would be interested in supporting conservation organisations operating in Rwanda.

Acrobatic dancers at The Annual Kwita Izina Ceremony, where to see gorilla trekking and support mountain gorillas in Rwanda
Acrobatic Dancers during The Annual Kwita Izina Ceremony
The yearly kwita zina ceremony

The annual Kwita Izina gorilla-naming ceremony is the ideal occasion to see Rwanda’s mountain gorillas. This is a unique opportunity for residents, environmentalists, and Rwandans wherein all baby mountain gorillas in Volcanoes National Park are given names. The occasion is set against a centuries-old custom wherein Rwandans name their children in front of friends and relatives.

Dramatic and fascinating, the days before the event include festivities in Musanze town and a cultural evening at lodges. This is a chance to meet fascinating individuals from all across the globe and enjoy Rwandan local traditions.

Live cultural music, dance, stories, theater, and a conversation on Rwanda’s conservation future and difficulties define the celebration day. The 2020 Kita Izina Celemony was place online to prevent crowds given pandemic travel restrictions. Since 3005, the festival takes place in September every year.

When to go gorilla trekking in Rwanda? Since sightings of gorillas are certain independent of the weather. But the ideal times to see gorillas in Rwanda are early September, December and January; the dry months of June through August. Trail dryness in the dry months makes trekking simpler.

Looking back, gorilla permits are very rare in the dry months as every visitor is thinking about the same time to view gorillas in Rwanda. We strongly advise scheduling one with us very early in your planning phase; should you alter the date, we can also arrange it for you.

Budgeters who want to take advantage of the low-season bargains would want to avoid the rainy months of March, April, October, and November. March and April bring the worst of the weather; June to August is the ideal time to see gorillas.

What Not to Wear
Wearing a facemask, light pair of waterproof hiking shoes with gaiters and sturdy covering clothes can help you avoid stinging crawling pests and thorny branches when witnessing mountain gorillas in Rwanda.

Wear hiking gloves as well; these will come in handy when you steady yourself by gripping branches. Remember you will be walking in a rainforest, hence it will be very essential to take a light waterproof jacket and waterproof bag.

Booking a Rwanda Gorilla Safari Katland Safaris has a specialist ready to arrange your gorilla trekking permission in Volcanoes National Park. We will design and run your gorilla safari using our fleet of safari vehicles and relationships with Rwanda safari hotels. You also enjoy the trip to one of Africa’s most popular locations concurrently.

Ask for your free quotation by email. All the knowledge we will impart to you throughout the planning phase is free. Send us that email right now to start your journey toward realizing your goal of witnessing the last big primates on Earth.


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Katland Safaris