Mountain gorillas are beautiful

relative to their lowland relatives, by a substantial margin. They have strong features, yet their long black hair softens their bony brows, pointy crests, and pointed jaws. In comparison to their almost identical long-haired eastern Congo relatives, the Grauer’s gorillas, their cheeks and foreheads are flatter. Finally, there are the eyes, those dark brown mirrors in which we sometimes get a glimpse of our own reflection. And lastly, there’s the air of poise and respect that radiates from them.

Among the mountain gorillas we saw, quince stood out as the most stunning because to her exquisite proportions, glossy black hair, and brilliant eyes. At almost eight years of age, she was a girl coming of age. She is still up for playing with Ziz, tuck, or Puck, but she might end up marrying either Beethoven or Icarus soon. I think it’s more probable that she’ll go and live with another family. It seems as if she lived her life to the fullest in late 1978, when all the options were open to a gorilla of that era.

Still, Quince started to ease down in October. At the time, the very cold and rainy weather had made several of the gorillas unwell with coughs that pointed to bronchial difficulties. Conversely, Quince did not exhibit any symptoms of a runny nose or cough. A propensity to remain at rest for little longer was the only symptom at initially.

Mountain gorillas are beautiful

She started to droop her head as she walked and stopped more often after that. All of the other gorillas adjusted their gait to match. Daily distances traveled decreased significantly when rest intervals increased in both frequency and length. Despite being just above the bamboo zone, the food supplies in the lower saddle seemed to be more than enough to sustain a lengthy stay. Nevertheless, Quince’s hunger also diminished.

She became noticeably unwell in only one week. Whenever she wasn’t sleeping, she would spend half of each day peering down at a succession of ill-constructed day nests. There was no guidance or assistance accessible to Dian. Quince was bedridden by the time the second week came to a close. Her formerly brilliant eyes were now dull and uninterested, a result of unimaginable suffering.

Even though Quince had piqued their curiosity, the other gorillas continued to follow shorter feeding loops that led them to unspoiled food patches before returning to her. They build new nests every night, usually not more than a hundred yards from where they were the night before. In contrast to her companions, Quince was only able to conjure up enough energy to conceal a few of disconnected branches under her, rather than build strong bowls insulated from the cold, wet forest floor.

In the wee hours of October 20, Amy discovered Quince in just such a nest, maybe trying to numb the agony by resting on her stomach with her face buried in her arms. Amy drew forward to touch her, but she remained still, and the last of her warmth was dwindling.

The remaining gorillas had apparently seen her demise and had already dispersed. Quickly, Amy went back to camp to inform Dian, and then she and the Rwandan camp staff would return to Group 5 to remove Quince’s corpse. She was laid to rest beneath Dian’s cabin with Digit and an ever-expanding list of others after certain tissue samples were taken for further study. The possible tests were never reported to us, and the reason of death is still unknown.

Even more so for Amy, who had stood by helplessly as the apparently endless process came to a close, the death of another gorilla was difficult to comprehend. However, in a gorilla’s environment, surrounded by her own species, humans were to blame for every aspect of Mweza’s pain and the gorillas’ demise. At the time, it was quite unusual for the Virunga region.

On the day after Quince’s passing, Group 5 embarked on a lengthy journey northward around the park’s perimeter. They did a full U-turn and raced in a straight path toward Quince’s last known location before Amy caught up with them the next morning. Army accelerated and caught up to them along their flank, and the reward was a breathtaking sight.

trekking rwenzori before gorillas in uganda

Why are Rwanda gorilla permits expensive?

Gorilla trekking in Rwanda-sharing the experience.

The Rwandan tour operator organization EREKA-Group, which is leading the charge to promote Rwanda as a tourist destination, issued an invitation to us. This eight-day acclimatization trip included stops to Volcanoes National Park to gorilla tracking, Lake Kivu in Gisenyi for boat rides, and Nyungwe Forest National Park for a canopy walk.

Rwanda Air kindly provided transportation from Entebbe to Rwanda and return, as well as domestic flights to Nyungwe Forest National Park, as part of our tour. Lebambou Gorilla Lodge, Serena Hotel Rwanda, and Mountain Gorilla View Lodge were among the other sponsors.


Trekking with gorillas in Rwanda

I was most interested in hiking with the world-renowned mountain gorillas in Volcanoes National Park, however we did visit many other sites in Rwanda, including as the genocide memorial center, Kings castle, Butale National Museum, and many more.


Getting ready to embark on the gorilla safari.

Our overnight stay at the Mountain Gorilla View Lodge was well situated to provide breathtaking views of the famous Virunga Volcanoes. For the first time ever, I was about to embark on this endeavor. We had breakfast and packed lunch in the restaurant first thing in the morning.

Gorilla trekking in Rwanda-sharing the experience.

We borrowed vegetable groves from the Lodge, and the men were all prepared with long-sleeved shirts, trekking boats, raincoats, and pants. After we gathered our meals, we headed to Volcanoes National Park for a safety lecture on how to interact with gorillas. We arrived at the Park headquarters after a twenty-minute journey.

Guests were entertained by a local ethnic dance ensemble, and anybody who wanted to participate in could. The local dance troupe entertained us with music and dances as we sipped tea.


Split into smaller teams

We were soon divided into groups of eight, the maximum daily human contact with a gorilla family, since that was when they began to gather us. After introducing us to the gorillas, our designated tour guide began going over the rules of conduct for the day. We really enjoyed the exercise because of this man, and he never stopped pushing us to perform better.

Our guide informed us that we would be going on a hike with the UMUBANO gorilla family. We were thrilled to embark on this excursion, because the local language means “UMUBANA” (friendship). After a brief drive, we began our hike, winding past local gardens and homes until we arrived to the borders, where we were met by a group of porters.

Porters were chosen by some of my pals, but those of us who felt physically capable opted not to take them. We set out to climb the volcanoes as our guide gave us an educational speech. We initially saw a single silver back gorilla at an altitude of about 3,000 meters. Upon seeing him, our guide struck up a conversation with him, and after a while, he began directing us to the location of the other members of the group.

The story goes something like this: when a family has many silverbacks, they all have certain jobs to do. So long as one silverback stays with the family, the other may keep an eye out for trouble. Once we located the other members, this silver back continued to guide us.


Meeting the gorillas for an hour

It was like nothing I had ever seen before. There were probably five of them, and we saw them running and playing while the big silverback sat and watched them. He continued to sit there, unfazed by our presence, even while he attended to his family.

Your gorillas approached us and even reached out to touch us as we began to snap pictures! What an amazing adventure! We were only required to maintain a seven-meter distance from the gorillas in principle since their movements are completely unpredictable.

Depending on their attitude, it might be very different one minute and completely different the next. After an hour, we were informed to depart from the gorillas since they need some time to themselves. After leaving Volcanoes National Park, we began to fall.

In order to get our certificates for our gorilla trekking experiences and our contributions to the protection of these imperilled big apes, we were required to return to the park headquarters.

After checking into the Kigali Serena for the night, we had to make our way back to the airport to catch a flight to Entebbe International Airport in Uganda.

2025 Low season discounted permits announced.

Low season gorilla permits for 2025 are available from the Uganda Wildlife Authority for a reduced price of USD800.00 for international residents and 300,000 Uganda shillings for all East African locals. In an effort to boost Uganda’s image as a tourist destination,

Passengers from East Africa, including Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwandese, and Burindi, are exempt from the usual gorilla permit fees of 800 USD for non-resident foreigners, 700 USD for work visa holders, and 300,000 Uganda Shillings for East African nationals. If used properly, visitors visiting Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga National Park may save up to $300.00, which they can use toward lodging or transportation.

2025 Low season discounted permits announced.

Over 400 mountain gorillas call Bwindi Impenetrable National Park home, making Uganda a popular destination for gorilla tourists. Depending on the area of the forest, there are as many as eleven habituated gorilla families in Bwindi: Buhoma to the north, Ruhija to the east, Nkuringo and Ruhaga to the south.

2025 Low season discounted permits announced.

Clients may rely on Katland Safaris to arrange trips and gorilla permits. Kindly inform us of the specific day, month, and year you are interested in going gorilla trekking in Uganda. We will then verify with the Uganda Wildlife Authority whether gorilla permits are available on that day, and we will inform you accordingly.

If you’re interested in that day, we’ll send you an invoice to pay with a bank transfer or a credit card (we currently accept Mastercard and Visa). Once the money is in our account, we’ll reserve your gorilla permits and scan and email you a copy of the proof of payment and the card for your records.

Before you go to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, you will stop by our office to pick up your gorilla permits if you are doing it alone. This is so you won’t have to worry about paying for replacement gorilla permits and receipts when you encounter authorities from the Uganda Wildlife Authority throughout your expedition.

When you book an all-inclusive guided trip with Katland Safaris, we’ll see to it that everything is taken care of. the tour guide will even carry all of the necessary permissions and vouchers.

Please get in touch with Katland Safaris at your earliest convenience for details on the 2015 reduced gorilla permits, including availability, pricing, and booking procedures.


Katland Safaris Official Safari News Blog.

Thank you for visiting the official blog of Katland Safaris. Over the course of this blog, we will keep you apprised of all the most recent facts on tourism in Uganda, as well as new developments and information regarding gorilla trekking in Rwanda and Uganda. In the event that there is any increase or modification in the prices of gorilla permits, accommodations, and any other factors that might have an impact on gorilla tourism

Katland Safaris Official Safari News Blog.

April gorilla trekking

Bwindi safari activities 2024-2025.

Great gorilla trekking in Uganda is in store for 2024 and 2025, and this piece will focus on safari activities in Bwindi, the home of almost half of the world’s mountain gorillas. When planning a trip to Uganda, one of the top destinations to see habituated mountain gorilla families is Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

Virunga in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda’s Mgahinga National Park, and Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park are all great places to see mountain gorillas. Even though mountain gorillas are the main attraction in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, there are plenty of other things to do there that will keep you occupied for days. Listed here are just a few of the many Bwindi safari activities available to you.


As an option for your Bwindi safari, you may go gorilla trekking.

Gorilla trekking is a popular activity in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. When the first gorilla family became accustomed and allowed visitors in 1993, the program began. Because they were the first gorilla family to be habituated, the Mubare gorilla family in Buhoma, northern Bwindi, is a must-visit for anybody interested in the history of gorilla trekking in the formidable and impenetrable Bwindi.

Bwindi safari activities 2024-2025.

A gorilla permit, which is required for gorilla trekking as part of a Bwindi safari, costs USD800.00 for nonresident foreigners and USD700.00 for working permit holders. In Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, visitors from East Africa may spend shs300,000 to spend an hour in the company of mountain gorillas. In order to help you pick the perfect choice for your gorilla safari trip in Uganda, Katland Safaris is obligated to detail all Bwindi safari activities.


Habituation encounter with gorillas as part of Bwindi Safari

Gorilla habituation in the southern section of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park permits you to see and photograph a family of habituated mountain gorillas for up to four hours, in contrast to the one hour allowed during gorilla trekking.

An individual must pay USD1500.00 for non-resident foreigners and USD1000.00 for working-permit foreigners in order to see a gorilla family during habituation; the maximum number of persons permitted per visit is four. If you are planning a gorilla safari vacation in 2024 or 2025, and would want more information about the habituation experience and the activities offered by Bwindi, you can get in touch with Katland Safaris.


Bwindi safari activities include hikes through forests and to waterfalls

As one may expect from a tropical rainforest, the scenery along any given path in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is quite breathtaking. The Uganda Wildlife Authority has laid up a network of routes across the forest that visitors may use to explore the area’s top attractions.

Forest treks at Buhoma, Ruhija, Nkuringo, and Rushaga, among other areas of Bwindi, provide excellent opportunities to see a wide variety of birds, trees, bushes, and monkeys. The experience is quite breathtaking, since the majority of the pathways are adorned with picturesque waterfalls. As an additional Bwindi safari activity, you might go on a village stroll in one of the nearby communities.

You may have a better understanding of the locals and how they are indirectly benefitting from gorilla tourism by visiting the communities around the forest. We are certain that you will want to extend your stay in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park after reading our description of the activities available on a safari there.

New gorilla families in Bwindi, Christmas and Katwe groups

Katwe gorilla family, Katwe gorilla group, Buhoma