Can I Trek Gorillas Twice?
Can I Trek Gorillas Twice

Can I Trek Gorillas Twice?

Can I two times hike gorillas? Indeed, you may twice on the same safari vacation hike gorillas in Uganda, even Rwanda! The gorilla trekking trip is too thrilling to be satisfied one-time. Get out there and try again, if at all possible twice.

Experienced tourists would appreciate to pack double gorilla trekking because of several benefits. Spending more time with the gorillas is one of the main benefits as it provides an opportunity to learn about their complex social structures, physical features, and habits.

More than time, photographers would want to walk the gorillas to provide familiarity with the rainforest scenery and the challenges of capturing wildlife beneath the forest canopy with limited light and limited flash photography. The second time around, they receive better picture results.

Still, you may enjoy the benefits of twice treking gorillas without being a photographer. The first time you take your camera or phone, capture all your enthusiasm about being in the forest calls for. Leave anything that might skew your experience and just sit with the gentle animals second time around. Let the moment carry you into ancient eras when people and animals coexisted in the same areas. Few people get to have this experience.

Therefore, let’s break down a few things you need to know before you reserve your gorilla trekking safari trip into the deep foggy vines of Africa, whether it be in Uganda or Rwanda.

Two Gorilla Allowances.

If you have previously searched for details on gorilla permits, you have to understand that the permit is more like a ticket allowing entry to the mountain gorillas. One gorilla permit lets one person spend one hour daily with the gorillas.

Along with a professional guide who wanders about with a walkie-talkie communication with other rangers staying with the gorillas for bearings and accompanies you through the activity, it will also allow you shared armed guards (with other seven trekkers).

For all international non-residents, the gorilla permit in Uganda is $800 day. Residents and citizens enjoy reduced charges. One Rwandan daily cost is $1,500 per person.

Depending on the availability of the gorilla permits, UWA & RDB let one buy as many as feasible. Purchase two gorilla licenses to enable you to hike gorillas twice on a gorilla trip depending on your budget for this excursion.

Direct purchase of your two gorilla permits from RDB or UWA is possible. Most visitors, however, employ the services of the local tour companies to get the permits on their behalf instead of following this path. This allows the operator to handle all purchasing bureaucratic procedures, reschedule and advise on which trailheads would be appropriate for twice-trekking gorillas.

Licenced to provide this service at a 30% cost is Katland. We have a few in our businesses for such situations even though sometimes the licenses may not be accessible at the authority office.

Should You Trek Gorillas Twice in Separate Sections?

For gorilla treks, Uganda has five trailheads; one may walk twice in either one or two separate areas of the park. Uganda split the park to make it simple for visitors to reach the 19 gorilla groups scattered around Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. There is just one trailhead in Rwanda where visitors may reach all ten gorilla families on offer.

For the second gorilla trip, one may walk in Buhoma, the northern part of the park with four gorilla groups, then go to Nkuringo, the southern portion. On rough dirt roads, all sectors run two to three-hour drives apart. Thus, consider it when you decide to hike gorillas again in separate areas.

To save transit expenses between sectors, some hikers will rather hike gorillas twice in one sector.

Trek One or Two Different Gorilla Groups
Trekking two gorilla groups on one gorilla safari trip is simple given the quantity of habituated gorilla groups in Uganda. Usually leaving the park to assign gorilla groups on d-day, most hikers lack knowledge of the distribution of gorilla groups in the park.Can I Trek Gorillas Twice

For a travelled trekger like you, you will let the guide give you a group for your first trip but for your second trip at the same trailhead. Ask them to assign you another one should you object to the first one. They will very likely follow through.

Although getting a gorilla family presents challenges, Encounter would advise Trekking the same group repeatedly due to the great benefits of familiarity or repeated experience.

The first trip may leave you overwhelmed by the unearthly landscape, the surprising time-span to reach the gorillas that appeared longer when in fact it wasn’t, and your fixation with photography. Keeping you in a relaxed mindset to appreciate the gorillas and the surroundings, the second journey with the same gorilla family may be more practical.

You Two Days To Trek Gorillas Twice
All gorilla treking trips start early in the morning as a gorilla troop can only be seen once a day by only eight individuals. Usually offered daily, gorilla permits indicate that every gorilla family has had visitors on a given day. You will therefore need to get permits on two separate days in order to hike gorilla twice.

On the first day following check-in to your gorilla lodge, you may hike; on the second day or space them out to help you to rest your muscles. That would mean, however, increasing expenses on food and overnight accommodations.

To pull off the double gorilla trekking safari, you basically need at least four days. Two days are for transports from Entebbe to Bwindi, Mgahinga, Volcanoes National Park. Two days also to twice hike gorillas.

Trekking with Gorillas and Gorilla Habituation in Gorillas
Have you come across the Gorilla Habituation Experience? You most likely want to spend more time in the rainforest jungle with the mountain gorillas if you choose to hike two times. With a natural gorilla family, habituation permits at least four hours.

The Habituation experience is worth the four hours you spend with the gorillas, even if it costs a little more than the hike ($1,500 per person). You might decide to hike a habituated gorilla family second time or have the adventure with the wild primates.

Only in the Rushaga area of southeast Bwindi Impenetrable National Park can Habituation Experience take place. Only one trailhead with two gorilla families accessible for gorilla study allows you to travel four hours with researchers on their daily outings.

How challenging twice for Trek Gorillas?
Well, I’m pleased you inquired because trekking gorillas is a little difficult and doing it twice may take a little of your muscular energy reserves. To pull it off twice, particularly if you’re doing it back-to-back without a day or two for relaxation between the trips, you will require modest physical condition.

Most hikers can complete the first one; if you lack confidence in your own ability, we advise you to renew your gym membership for at least one month before your trip or do those walks your neighbor has done for years to try to persuade you to join.

Still, the double gorilla trip challenge is not too difficult to do. In addition, you may pay $20 to have porters assist you on your hike.

Arranging a Double Gorilla Trek in Books
Will you book with Katland Safaris now that you have all the knowledge you need to choose a double e gorilla trek? Our gorilla trekking safari packages are rather well-liked by visitors all over, and we will acquire you the two gorilla permits without sweat.

You know, the double hiking experience is just amazing. Your jungle fantasies will repeat a lifetime if you include the habituation experience in the mix. All photographers and environmentalists should definitely check this safari.

Contact our experts; they will be eager to provide more information to the unresolved queries on your mind. Call or chat the large green button located in the bottom right corner using any of our numbers below. In any case, it will thrill us to hike with you.


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Katland Safaris