Kyaguriro Gorilla Family splits
Kyaguriro Gorilla Family splits.

Kyaguriro Gorilla Family splits.

After Kyaguriro gorilla family separates into two groups one headed by Mukiza, one of the silver back-in-Kyaguriro, Ruhija side of Bwindi Impenetrable will soon have four gorilla families accessible for hiking. Uganda Willdlife Authority, in charge of tourism and preservation of all wildlife in National Parks, will have to determine if the new gorilla family will be dubbed Mukiza.

Originally set aside for study, Kyaguriro gorilla family on Eastern side of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park was opened for gorilla trekking as demand for gorilla permits grew. We added Kyaguriro as the third gorilla group from the two Bitukura and Oruzogo families. Should the Kyaguriro gorilla family divide into two groups, we will then have four groups, therefore raising the daily permit sales from 24 to 32 for this area.

Though Uganda’s wildlife Authority has not been verified, the conflict began in December 2015 when the two silverbacks clashed and separated briefly before reuniting not too far apart. After another conflict later in January 2016, Mukiza grabbed ten members away from the main family to establish a second gorilla family headed by him.

Kyaguriro Gorilla Family splits.

Though they have not met or bonded during the last three months, these two gorilla families are now living closer to one another. They are still under observation; should this separation prove permanent, a new gorilla family will be recognized and might be formally introduced for gorilla trekking.

When the Kyaguriro gorilla family breaks up?

The breakup of Kyaguriro gorilla family implies that additional gorilla permits will be accessible for purchase, therefore increasing the number of visitors presently walking on Ruhija side. Lodges will so gain from the higher number of visitors, which results in more bed nights.

Your updates on whether this separation will be permanent or temporary will come from Katland safaris. Should it become permanent, it will be given a name still in development. Should you need more information, kindly get in touch with us; Katland safaris is still among the most knowledgeable gorilla trekking companies in East Africa.

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Katland Safaris