Best time to film mountain gorillas
Best time to film mountain gorillas.

Best time to film mountain gorillas.

Though in this post we will mostly be focused on the optimum time to film mountain gorillas in either Uganda, Rwanda, or Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda and Rwanda are clearly the two finest locations to do so worldwide.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Volcanoes National Park, and Virunga National Park in Uganda, Rwanda, and Democratic Republic of Congo Respectively include habitatuated gorilla families. Operating in Uganda and Rwanda, Katland safaris will therefore concentrate on these two nations while considering the optimal timing for mountain gorilla filming.

When should mountain gorillas in Uganda and Rwanda be filmed?

June, July, August, September, December, January, and February are the ideal times to capture mountain gorillas for those movie firms looking at drier months. Rainfall is minimal throughout these months, hence climbing and descending either Uganda or Rwanda is much simpler than in rainy seasons of March, April, May, or November.

Best time to film mountain gorillas.

Please be advised that while we recommend dry months as the ideal time to shoot mountain gorillas in Uganda or Rwanda, there is no assurance that it won’t rain. For instance, the tropical rain forest nature of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park affects its microclimate by means of winds, moisture on top of the forest, and human activity. This means that even in the usual dry seasons, it often rains.

Low season months will be the finest choice when considering the expenses to be paid while timing filming mountain gorillas. As advised by Uganda Wildlife Authority and Rwanda Development Board, all film crew members are obliged to get gorilla permits on top of the gorilla shooting cost for the group as whole.

If one films mountain gorillas in low season/rainy seasons of April, May and November, then you stand to save on the expenses of gorilla licenses as they are now reduced USD450.00 compared to high season pricing of USD800.00 per permit,. In Rwanda, a gorilla permit is USD 750.00 per person; there is no variation here.

Expert filming company Katland Safaris has assisted many filming teams in obtaining filming permits for mountain gorillas and other wildlife, processing media cards and clearing their kit into Uganda among other logistics including transport and accommodation booking anywhere in Uganda and Rwanda. Get the finest Uganda and Rwanda has to offer in terms of film crew fixing services in the whole East African Region by getting one of our knowledgeable fixers contacted.

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Katland Safaris